We had her sweat test today for cystic fibrosis. She did very well. In fact, she sweats too well and had to repeat the test to be sure we had an accurate reading. The best news is that she is just a carrier and does not have CF.
We also saw a pulomonologist and a genetecist today. DH and I had blood drawn to test us to be sure that we aren't both carriers. We need to kniw for future pregnancies. To get CF, both parents have to be carriers. So, we could both be carriers annd our children would have a 25% chance of getting CF, 50% chance of being normal, and 25% chance of not having cf or carrier.
Of course, there had to be drama....after my blood draw, I soaked through the giant bandaid and got all light headed.
Re: Emma's Test
Well, hopefully Emma's future husband (is that weird to say or what?!) isn't a carrier and there won't be any problems.
Did you get the results of your blood draw or do you have to wait for those?
We have to wait for our results.
Yeah, can you imagine Emma's pick up line.........Hey baby! I like you, you like me, but I'm gonna need to make sure that you are not a cystic fibrosis gene carrier.