Yes, I know it's early. : ) But I want it to be perfect, so I am starting now. A few things- we want it to be Christmas-y, hence the colors. And we also wanted to incorporate dots & stripes and wanted a pic from every month of his life. Where the white boxes are, the remaining pics will go. The big white box will have the most recent pic I take before sending them out.
Any feedback on the wording, font etc? Should I add anything? Reverse colors? Pictures smaller or bigger or just right? Just looking for some opinions...I feel like it's missing "something", although it could just be the remainder of the photos...
Also, the baby block letters of his name- would they look better spaced out a bit? TIA!
Re: Help me with this bday invite...
Super cute invite Jeanette! Here's my input as a graphic designer....invert the colors red and green to make it a bit more vibrant and eye catching with having more of the red. Also is the red a little more deep red in person? It's looks kinda bricky red which doesn't make it stand out as well. That kind of red and green together make it look muted. I might try to turn that hue up a notch or 2. Space out the block letters a tad and do green blocks with white letters ...make them pop a bit. Also maybe at diagonal (opposite) corners of the 12 month pic you could put a little holly leaf with berries or maybe do a small pic of a teddy "bear" somewhere with a red & green & white polka dot scarf? Or maybe with a red and green polka dot birthday hat?
Anyways just my 2 cents...I do love the idea of putting a pic from every month...I did Drake's 1st with a pic of birth, 4 mos, 8 mos and then what was almost a year. Good work lady! Heck I'm already thinkin of what theme I'm doing for Jackson's 1st birthday party! NOT that I really want it to come as I wish I could freeze him in time right now =o(
That's why I love you!!! ?I should have mentioned I will be adding a bear- just don't know where! ?I think it's going to be a pic of a little baby polar bear... ?That is a GREAT idea about the 12 month pic, to give it some kind of border. ?The colors def. do look different on the screen than when I print them. ?I will do a few test prints before I send them, as I def. want the colors to look vibrant. ?I also did have the red & green inverted, but DH said to change it this way. ?I may have to switch it back and see how I like it!!! I love your 2 cents. ?And I will let you know when I have some formula for you! ?Thanks so much!?