Have we seen this? There's a 10 pager on EK at the top.
This is my favorite post on the whole entire internet. I wish Hmonkey was here to laugh with me.
Here is the thing, I believe that Emily may preach this QF lifestyle,
but she wears the pants in the family. That's pretty much obvious. I
believe that Dan
probably has a serious disorder, something like Aspergers perhaps. (I
am not a professional here but I am in college for psychology and I
dated a guy with
aspergers when I was in high school.) I think that Emily chose him as a
husband because she knew this was someone she could manipulate and
still consider him
the "head of the house." They asked her once why he didn't get a better
job, and I think it is because this was the best he could do. And
likes to hire a certain amount of "special" employees. I'm not trying
to be evil here, these are just the things I see. I think she wants to
the man and this was her way of doing that. I don't think Dan would say
boo to her on anything, so of course he can be considered the head of
the house, he
has no opinion! Correct me I'm wrong here...
Re: A Quiver Full of Snark
Is the site name a reference to Jinger Duggar? If so that's awesome. If not it should be.
it is.