She's never been the lovely-dovey sort. Normally she spens most of the day outside, comes in aat dark and goes to a different room. Around bedtime (or ice cream time), she comes out for a snuggle. She'll let one of us pet her for a few minutes at bed time then she goes to the foot of the bed.
For the last week she doesn't go out for more than 10 minutes. I know it's been cold and snowy, but that's never stopped her before. She's always up in our business. Snuggling right up, getting in our laps, wanting to be pet. Her meows are much softer and more pathetic. She gets under our covers and sleeps between us all night.
I'm a little worried that my 11 year old kitty may be sick or actually starting to feel her age.
Re: Worried about my cat
I'm making an appt when they open. I doubt anything scared her. I've seen her stand her ground against a big buck. Yeah, all 8 lbs of her stood a chance.
I vote taking her to the vet. Found this article:
I was at the vet yesterday with my 14 year old cat. Had 2 teeth extracted last Monday and is not recovering well. Poor baby, I feel terrible. Working from home so I can keep an eye on her today.
I feel your cat pain!