Orange County Nesties
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Do you think we'll really have a tornado today?
There's a tornado warning until 1:30 for a lot of the area.
Re: Do you think we'll really have a tornado today?
Yesterday they were saying possible water spouts. But now they're saying tornados, and I'm a lot more nervous with that word.
waterspout = tornado over water in this case since we're in the middle of a severe thunderstorm.
According to KFI there was a small one in H.B flipped a car over. It got gnarly over here also. A tree fell down on our street lady slammed on the breaks and another one slammed into her.
Everyone is fine. Wet but fine... I totally saw it happen.
That's why the word "waterspout" doesn't bug me so much as when some one says straight out tornado. A waterspout = water...not land, so I don't feel as worried. Just how my thought process works.
So anyone know what one is supposed to do in case of a tornado, especially if there is no basement or cellar to head in to?
Move away from windows into the lowest and interior part of the building and basically duck and cover like in an earthquake.
That same storm cell is now heading out to where I work. Did I ever mention that our offices are in a modular building (i.e. a very large trailer)? This should be fun.
Wow. The
has hit. It's practically pitch black outside.
So Cal Nesties have about 15 mins or so more till sunshine. Hang in there!
National Weather Service issues Tornado Warning for southeast OC including San Clemente, Mission Viejo, Laguna Beach and northwest San Diego County including Vista, Oceanside, Fallbrook, Encinitas, Carlsbad until 2:30pm.
bleh. My husband and I were driving down Bake in LF around 1:40ish and the cops stopped all traffic and told us to take cover in our cars for about 2-3 minutes. This was after I had to move about 30 sleeping three year olds away from all the windows at my's been one hell of a day.
Wow I didn't realize it got so bad down here (we live in the area you are talking about). I had a ton of parents calling/emailing to check on their preschoolers. They were all napping (in the center of the room). We do have a basement at the school but we did not use it today.
My sisters office is at Peter's Landing. That's where most of the damage was today but they were fine.
I have no idea how close it actually was...we just wanted to get to Baja Fresh...and all these cops were stopping traffic so we just did what we were told. I work at a preschool too and it was also during our nap time. We just dragged them on their cots from the windows and sky-lights into one room that had no windows or sky lights and let them finish sleeping. Only one student woke up as we were dragging their bed across the school...haha. The phone was off the hook for that entire hour from worried parents, however not many kids left early. We have no basement and one of our classrooms ended up with several leaks. I'm not looking forward to work tomorrow