Hi ladies!
I am about 6 weeks pregnant and recently went to my first appointment with my new OB-GYN and didn't like her. I've been researching certified nurse midwives a little bit since then and I think that might be the route I want to go. But I'm pretty clueless on how all of this works. Do you choose a hospital that already has a midwife and use one of theirs? Or do you choose a midwife and then go to the hospital where they deliver?
And any recommendations on a midwife that you or someone you know has had a positive experience with? None of my Phoenix friends have had babies, so I'm sort of on my own to try to find someone I trust.
Re: S/O How about midwife recommendations?
<<<<<<<<<<<< one of the ladies!!!
I LOVED seeing Janice and Ramona. Both are midwives at Dr. Kells' office. Check out the website. To be honest, the front desk staff could use some work, but don't let that scare you away because Janice and Ramona are SO wonderful. The are located right by Chandler Regional and deliver at both Chandler Regional and Mercy Gilbert.
Hope this helps!
I'm not pregnant yet but I go to Dr. Kells too and have only seen Romona once and really liked her!
I agree...the front desk doesn't really know how to talk to people in private...that really IRKED me!
Good luck!
PMeg, I'm so glad you said that! That's exactly what I am considering doing. I like that St. Joe's has such great facilities in the event of any unforeseen problems, and I like that they have midwives on staff. It just seems like that would make things a lot easier.
Plus, I live in NW Phx and work in Mesa, so St. Joe's would be a good location in the middle of those two places.
Thanks, everyone, for the feedback.
ditto this, I used a certified professional midwife and had a homebirth. But would have used Dr. Kells and his m/w's if I needed to switch for some reason.