I think I have, anyway!! I am going to stop pumping end of September. I think I have a huge enough stash to get through a few months after that. I think?!?! I hope?!?!?!
With pumping 5 times a day, draining each time, I've maintained 40+ ounces. I started pumping 4 times a day a couple days ago and am maintaining between 38 and 42 ounces. Hmm. I am still draining each time though and plan to continue that. I'm not exactly trying to wean yet ... I just want to cut down on the times per day I pump.
Thing is, my boobs feel kinda tingly whereas before they really didn't.
AND ... do I really want to do this? I feel a little sad at the idea of not producing milk anymore.
Re: I've made a decision ...
Holy cow! (no pun
) you still produce that much! Wow, I normally only produce maybe 30. I have, on average, had to dip into my stash using a bag a day or two
but it should be ok as long as I can get through this period he is in now of waking up 4 times to feed a night...oy vey!
I totally understand the sadness of not producing. I get upset thinking about it now thinking that I will definitely not go longer than a year if I last that long. I love breastfeeding, i really do and after not really "feeling" being pg I totally get it when I BF and its hard to give that up. Its the one thing that I can do for my son and get that bond like no one else can. It my milk that makes him so big and healthy.....the same with what you do for Alyssa. Ugh, the end is near...lol
Amye, I am feeling the SAME way! Jordan is 6 months old, and my original plan was to BF until he turned 1...now I'm considering going to 18 mos (with just two feedings a day once he turns 1). With all that he went through in the beginning, I feel like it is my duty to do this for him. I love it, even though pumping is a pain at work and all...I know I will miss it. I get extremely sad thinking what it will be like the LAST time I BF him, and how I KNOW I will be so emotional...ahhh...I don't even want to think about it!!
I guess just play it by ear...see how you feel as you get closer to September, and go from there...that's pretty much my plan...
Amye (and others) - try not to be too sad, or think about it right now. There will come a time when you are ready, and it won't be quite as sad at that time. You will just BE ready, you'll be done with it for whatever your reasons are. Nobody gets to make that decision for you, so take your time and don't put pressure on yourself. Pump or BF as long as you still want to.
That said, I do remember that coming to my decision was tough, and a little sad. I planned to nurse for 12 months, and as that drew near I pushed it out to 18, but ended up stopping at 13. Kaitlyn was just too busy to want to stop and nurse anymore, and I had had enough of pumping. It was just the right time for us. Yes, it was a little sad. I remember the last time I BF her and I don't think it's something I'll ever forget. We had enough ebm in the freezer to get through another month or so of a whole milk/bm combo, and I was also a little sad when she had her last cup of bm. But it's ok. I got her where she is today, and there are so many wonderful new ways to bond with her and spend special time now that I don't miss that time with her anymore.
Good luck!
Pumping is a huge pain and I'm AMAZED by people who exclusively pump. You've done a great job and should not feel at all guilty if you're ready to stop / scale back.
When people ask me when I think I'll stop BF I always answer "yesterday" and laugh. I've honestly decided to quit BF almost every day for the past 10 months but I'm finally starting the weaning process now (very gradually) as she's almost 1. It's been pretty easy because she LOVES her solid food and drinks from a cup. When your DD starts eating solid foods it might be easier for you to feel ready to be completely done?
Whatever you decide, you can always go slowly. You could just cut down to pumping once or twice a day. Even though you're not BF directly you'll still go through the weaning process. DD has been eating more solids / nursing less for months now and I was wondering what the heck was wrong with me as I felt "off" and very emotional. I totally didn't make the connection until I did some reading on weaning and realized the hormonal changes can be just as bad (or worse) than post-partum. During PG and post-partum I felt very "normal" so I was very surprised that this hit me so hard.
Have you thought about possibly just BFing instead of EFing? It is a huge PITA, IMO, anyway you look at it - I love BFing because it makes Austin and I so close and I know the comfort he gets from it and that I am actually helping him to grow....but secretly I really dislike BFing because I don't have my body back and dislike BFing in public or in front of family and have to be at Austin's beck and call...it's frustrating...I can imagine how difficult it is to be pumping all the time...but don't feel guilty if you want to cut back or give it up - but also don't push yourself if you're not ready...
As much of a PITA as BFing is for me...I figure "I'm a SAHM, so what does it matter...I'll suck it up and do it" But I also haven't put a time limit on myself either...maybe I'll only go 6 months, maybe 9, maybe a year...I really don't know and I figure I know I am ready to stop when I've just absolutely had enough!
It's hard work EFing or BFing! Don't be so hard on yourself!
Greeeeat....I also felt fairly "normal" During and after PG...I had no idea weaning would cause your hormones to go all wacky...I'll have to watch out for that....
Amye- I comend you for EP'ing for so long...I did it for a short time when I was dealing with thrush and I can't imagine having to do it all the time. I loathed it for the week or so that I did it, and still hate pumping the couple of times a day I do now. I think you will def. know when it is the time for you to quit. Good luck, I hope it all works out for you......
You do whatever you are most comfortable with and what is going to work for you. You've done great giving Alyssa a start with your BM and before you know it, she'll be on to eating solid foods and at a year she can start drinking whole milk.
Good job with all you have been able to do so far!
You've done a great job! ?You'll make the right decision, whatever that may be, when the time comes. ?Just don't beat yourself up if you decide it's time to stop. ?I haaaaaaaaaaated pumping, so I really respect how long you've been able to EP!!! ?GL!?