So I don't keep PWing.
1. Yesterday's rain sucked because of the dogs. Our backyard is currently unfinished so it's a big mud hole and now regardless of how wiped off their paws are, I will get dirt in the house. But..the rain makes me love AZ more. It's pretty and clear this morning, but up north they have a beautiful blanket of snow. I love knowing that I'm close to all that wintery weather without having to live in it. And I love how it smells when it rains here. It's dirty but I like it.
2. Unsolicited pregnancy advice for the newly preggos. Maternity clothes are heavily vanity sized. Even though they say to buy the size you wore pre-pregnancy, it's sort of a lie. Try everything on if you can. I have pants that I bought in my normal size that I figured I'd grow into. I have room for my belly to get bigger but the pants are still swimming on me. I can't imagine that my thighs are going to gain 10 pounds apiece in the next 16 weeks.
3. I haven't had sex since November. I'm okay with that.
4. I bought box cake mix (lemon flavor) and canned frosting on Saturday. I made the cake. It's about 2/3 gone. Did I mention that I'm the only one eating it and I made it on Saturday? Yeah.
Re: One random post for you