At the house I grew up in, the only place you could go for total acoustic privacy was our front porch. It was closed off from the living room by a big, thick old door that had a deadbolt. The spare key was on the porch, so whenever I wanted to talk on the phone with a friend, I'd lock myself out there.
One day in HS, I was talking to my BFF (whom my mother HATED. Still does) and it was a typical conversation about what happened in school, what I was doing that weekend, and how much my parents sucked.
When I got off the phone, I opened the closet door to get the key and found my little sister (who was 6-7 at the time), with her playskool tape-player - the kind with the microphones and you could record yourself with them.
That little schit was RECORDING MY CONVERSATION. On her momofvckin TOY.
Before I could do anything, she grabbed the key and unlocked the door, then ran in the house to my mom. Who of course protected her and then listened to the tape in front of me. I still believe my mom sent her out there knowing I'd grab the phone and want to talk to my friend.
I was grounded and had to write sentences. For badmouthing my mom. Who totally invaded my privacy by using my little sister. *smh*
Re: Beat this.
what game is this, horrific parenting done to us? i can probably beat this.
what are the rules? does the parenting have to have been in the best interest of the kid, or just lunacy?
That is effed up. That's one thing my parents never, ever did...Pit one (or two) of us against each other.
OTOH, we did that just fine on our own. There was a lot of ganging up. And we would have these EPIC fights where we all took turns ganging up on each other.
i only have a few minutes before i have to report back to my cell.
but i am a fan of the written punishment assignments. HUGE fan. it's tucked away in my memory bank if needed in the future.
my mother was crazy. she'd never hit us, but she would get supremely frustrated to the point of mania. i would give her the silent treatment if i was mad at her, and she did not like that. i remember giving her the cold shoulder at age 3. so what did she do? break my things. i have very clear memories of her throwing my toys into a wall. i can't say how many times she took her arm and cleared off my dresser, but i do know that she broke 3 jewelry boxes and i finally told her to stop buying me new ones.