mr. kat and his sister (18 months apart) started their antagonistic and competitive relationship at a young age (ie: nightly bottle stealing on the part of mr. kat).
he seemed to take a particular joy in antagonizing his sis and one day he was doing a very good job at pushing her buttons. SIL is mormon and buys into all the crap, so she was supposedly very "pious" about the whole thing.
apparently the argument got so heated that she turned to him with pure hatred in her eyes. and in her meanest nastiest evil voice, said to him:
"go to heck."
mr. kat almost fell over. of course this started another round of teasing and asking her exactly where "heck" was. could he find it on a map, etc.?
MIL tried to get him to stop but had a hard time covering her laughter at the ridiculousness of the whole thing.
Re: re: sibling rivalry