So the other day I'm in my office at work and one of the guys from our Tampa office came in and started asking me how married life was going.
Then he says to me.. and I quote " Well, you still look good... I see you're keeping in shape. Make sure you don't get fat after you get married... a lot of women just let themselves go".
WTF!!!! First off, if I choose to get bigger it's none of your d*mn business and second, what makes you think you can say that to me at work?
I swear, I must have a message on my forehead that says *don't hesitate to speak your mind* because I am constantly hearing stupid comments from co-workers.
Re: So...
LOL... He's just one of those guys who has been with the company for years and thinks he can say whatever he wants to whomever he wants.
I've heard of him saying comments to other women that are well above the line of PC ... The more I think of it, the more angry I get. It's not cool.
Totoally wrong -- somebody needs to call him on his behavior. It is one thing to joke around with a friend after work, but a coworker shouldn't say that . . . not in this day and age.
I am surprised somebody hasn't turned him in already -- you really don't have to stand for that kind of behavior! Call HR!