I shamelessly "borrowed" this from another board.
1. What time do you usually get up?
2. What do you usually eat for breakfast?
3. Three things always in your fridge?
4. Something your mother still nags at you about?
5. Something your husband does that never fails to piss you off?
6. Do you prefer calling, e-mailing or texting?
7. How do you indulge your inner geek?
8. Store you'd have no problem spending money at?
9. Who is your favorite/most tolerable of the "Idol" winners?
10. What is something you're addicted to?
BONUS QUESTION: Should I make bacon wrapped jalepeno poppers (not spicy), pico de gallo or cookies for the game night GTG at Jess's house Saturday night?
Re: Survey/Poll time!
1. What time do you usually get up? Umm, well Carl wakes me up at 7 when he's getting ready to leave, but then Will wakes me up by 8.
2. What do you usually eat for breakfast?
Coffee? I am not a breakfast girl... bad, I know!
3. Three things always in your fridge?
Milk, Mustard and BBQ Sauce
4. Something your mother still nags at you about?
Nothing anymore :-( My mom passed away in 2005... but she used to nag me about my clothes bein wrinkled.
5. Something your husband does that never fails to piss you off?
Well, how about I name what doesnt piss me off... shorter list, haha!
No really though, leaving his socks everywhere! Ugh! Makes me SOOOO mad!
6. Do you prefer calling, e-mailing or texting?
Emailing or texting... Im one of those anti phone girls. I dont like long drawn out conversations that texting could take care of quicker..
7. How do you indulge your inner geek?
The history channel..
8. Store you'd have no problem spending money at?
Target... it totally sucks me in. I spend so much money at target
9. Who is your favorite/most tolerable of the "Idol" winners?
David Cook!! Hubba Hubba!!
10. What is something you're addicted to?
Facebook.. Seriously... it is always up.. even when I am not at the computer. *Sigh*... i suck!
BONUS QUESTION: Should I make bacon wrapped jalepeno poppers (not spicy), pico de gallo or cookies for the game night GTG at Jess's house Saturday night?
Yum... im not voting :-)
1. What time do you usually get up? 5:45-6:00am
2. What do you usually eat for breakfast? yogurt & granola
3. Three things always in your fridge? soda, lunch meat, non-fat milk
4. Something your mother still nags at you about? My mom really doesn't nag.
5. Something your husband does that never fails to piss you off? Stays up too late, then complains that he's tired. Gee... ya think?
6. Do you prefer calling, e-mailing or texting? e-mailing or texting
7. How do you indulge your inner geek? Hmm.. I'll say by playing those silly apps on FB.
8. Store you'd have no problem spending money at? Nordstrom or Sephora
9. Who is your favorite/most tolerable of the "Idol" winners? I don't watch AI, but I do like Carrie Underwood.
10. What is something you're addicted to? Coffee
BONUS QUESTION: Should I make bacon wrapped jalepeno poppers (not spicy), pico de gallo or cookies for the game night GTG at Jess's house Saturday night? I'm leaning towards the poppers, because they are really delicious, but I'm still deciding.
What? You have to vote. Lame.
1. What time do you usually get up? - 4:50 AM
2. What do you usually eat for breakfast? Cereal
3. Three things always in your fridge? Milk, Eggs, Cheese
4. Something your mother still nags at you about? Nothing anymore since I don't live with her.
5. Something your husband does that never fails to piss you off? When I ask him to do something and he doesn't
6. Do you prefer calling, e-mailing or texting? Depends on the situation. But all 3 is good. DH and I mostly text.
7. How do you indulge your inner geek? Haha I do those FB apps too.
8. Store you'd have no problem spending money at? Target, I love that store and I always come out with more then what I went in for.
9. Who is your favorite/most tolerable of the "Idol" winners? Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood
10. What is something you're addicted to? Facebook and now even more since I have a BlackBerry.
BONUS QUESTION: Should I make bacon wrapped jalape?o poppers (not spicy), pico de gallo or cookies for the game night GTG at Jess's house Saturday night? - I am not going but the Bacon wrapped Jalape?os sound yummy. And do you mind sharing the recipe for that?
Click Me
1. What time do you usually get up? 5:30am
2. What do you usually eat for breakfast? I can't eat for an hour after I take my meds so I usually eat a granola bar at work or oatmeal...anything quick and easy.
3. Three things always in your fridge? Cheese, bread, milk
4. Something your mother still nags at you about? nothing really since she sees me at least weekly.
5. Something your husband does that never fails to piss you off? He is good at tuning me out and then asking me something I just talked to him about.
6. Do you prefer calling, e-mailing or texting? texting or email
7. How do you indulge your inner geek? I take college classes for the heck of it
8. Store you'd have no problem spending money at? target
9. Who is your favorite/most tolerable of the "Idol" winners? carrie underwood
10. What is something you're addicted to? the nest/bump
1. What time do you usually get up? for work, 5:30am, on my days off usually between 7-8am
2. What do you usually eat for breakfast? a protein drink, or coffee
3. Three things always in your fridge? milk, coffee creamer, salad
4. Something your mother still nags at you about? taking my vitamins
5. Something your husband does that never fails to piss you off? he never completely shuts a drawer - it drives me nuts!
6. Do you prefer calling, e-mailing or texting? emailing or texting
7. How do you indulge your inner geek? watching ABC Family channel...
8. Store you'd have no problem spending money at? Target
9. Who is your favorite/most tolerable of the "Idol" winners? Carrie Underwood
10. What is something you're addicted to? Facebook
BONUS QUESTION: Should I make bacon wrapped jalepeno poppers (not spicy), pico de gallo or cookies for the game night GTG at Jess's house Saturday night? I can't go because I'm working, but those poppers sound delicious!
1. What time do you usually get up? 4:30 for work. 9 on the weekends
2. What do you usually eat for breakfast? Chocolate protein shake with soy milk
3. Three things always in your fridge? Eggs, Yogurt, and Bread
4. Something your mother still nags at you about? Calling her regularly
5. Something your husband does that never fails to piss you off? Puts garbage right by the trash can...instead of in it.
6. Do you prefer calling, e-mailing or texting? Emailing
7. How do you indulge your inner geek? Make excel spreadsheets for what I need to pack when I travel.
8. Store you'd have no problem spending money at? Bare Essentials
9. Who is your favorite/most tolerable of the "Idol" winners? Kelly Clarkson
10. What is something you're addicted to? TV. It's bad!
BONUS QUESTION: Should I make bacon wrapped jalepeno poppers (not spicy), pico de gallo or cookies for the game night GTG at Jess's house Saturday night? I won't be there...but I always have a sweet tooth. I vote cookies.
3. Three things always in your fridge? Milk (we sriously go through at least 6 gallons a week), cheese, eggs4. Something your mother still nags at you about? Um, everything? She lives 3 blocks away and well, that's just how she is--she's great but intense
BONUS QUESTION: Should I make bacon wrapped jalepeno poppers (not spicy), pico de gallo or cookies for the game night GTG at Jess's house Saturday night? It all sounds good to me!
2. What do you usually eat for breakfast? I feel like a fat ass answering this question. But....a bowl of cereal, a piece of fruit, and usually a breakfast sandwich (egg, cheese, toast, bacon if we have it)
3. Three things always in your fridge? soy sauce, ketchup, mustard
4. Something your mother still nags at you about? biting my nails
5. Something your husband does that never fails to piss you off? leaves socks around the house. The dogs think the socks are toys so he ends up with holey socks.
6. Do you prefer calling, e-mailing or texting? email
7. How do you indulge your inner geek? watch Star Wars, play computer games
8. Store you'd have no problem spending money at? Banana Republic
9. Who is your favorite/most tolerable of the "Idol" winners? Kelly Clarkson
10. What is something you're addicted to? diet Coke
1. What time do you usually get up? Well that depends... I work nights, so if I am working, I get up at 4:45pm. If not, then I usually get up around 10am.
2. What do you usually eat for breakfast? A breakfast burrito my husband makes me after work, or cereal.
3. Three things always in your fridge? Milk, apple juice, soda.
4. Something your mother still nags at you about? She doesn't really nag at me about anything..
5. Something your husband does that never fails to piss you off? Says he'll do something, then doesn't and acts like it's not a big deal.
6. Do you prefer calling, e-mailing or texting? Texting.
7. How do you indulge your inner geek? History channel.
8. Store you'd have no problem spending money at? JC Penny.
9. Who is your favorite/most tolerable of the "Idol" winners? Carrie Underwood (but really Adam Lambert, because he should have won and I love him!)
10. What is something you're addicted to? Caffeine and Internet.
2. What do you usually eat for breakfast? sometimes hard boiled eggs, or an english muffin but usually a TLC bar
3. Three things always in your fridge? chicken, cheese, water
4. Something your mother still nags at you about? oh geez, no idea
5. Something your husband does that never fails to piss you off? lol throwing his socks in the dirty clothes still inside out!! really irks me!
6. Do you prefer calling, e-mailing or texting? Texting bc I usually get a response faster unless it's important then I'll call.
7. How do you indulge your inner geek? ???
8. Store you'd have no problem spending money at? Target, Ikea
9. Who is your favorite/most tolerable of the "Idol" winners? I don't really know all their names...stopped watching after 3 seasons.
10. What is something you're addicted to? the internet, chocolate, shopping, cracking my back and knuckles
I shamelessly "borrowed" this from another board.
1. What time do you usually get up? Well, when I'm not on medical leave, like 6am, but now- whenever is pain med time.
it), Fruit, and Yogurt
BONUS QUESTION: Should I make bacon wrapped jalepeno poppers (not spicy), pico de gallo or cookies for the game night GTG at Jess's house Saturday night? Um... they all sound super yummy!!2. What do you usually eat for breakfast? Greek Yogurt and a Cereal Bar, except this week my daddies been making me breakfast daily
3. Three things always in your fridge? Milk (I
4. Something your mother still nags at you about? um.. not much, I'd say on occasion, having to high of expectations on my little sister
5. Something your husband does that never fails to piss you off? um.. I adore him, and love him so much, but he can be so passive sometimes that it makes me so mad.
6. Do you prefer calling, e-mailing or texting? Depends on the person- for random daily stuff- texting but I also love having catch up conversations with everyone too.
7. How do you indulge your inner geek? Um... Excel spreadsheets for sure (HURRAY ASUBarbie Girl- we should totally cross check our spreadsheets).... um the nest, facebook, and planning family vacations for everyone.
8. Store you'd have no problem spending money at? Dolce, Tiffany's, MAC (make up and Apple)
9. Who is your favorite/most tolerable of the "Idol" winners? Carrie Underwood
10. What is something you're addicted to? Dolce Facials
Yay, I am not the only one that has a Husband like this.
Click Me
1. What time do you usually get up? 5:10
2. What do you usually eat for breakfast? breakfast bar on my way to work
3. Three things always in your fridge? orange juice, diet soda, cheese
4. Something your mother still nags at you about? not much anymore... used to be everything, though!
5. Something your husband does that never fails to piss you off? not doing something I ask him to do when I do a lot around the house
6. Do you prefer calling, e-mailing or texting? calling, but probably because a lot of my friends are still in MI... friends here text is good.
7. How do you indulge your inner geek? watching ABC Family (glad someone else admits this)
8. Store you'd have no problem spending money at? Target
9. Who is your favorite/most tolerable of the "Idol" winners? Kelly Clarkson/Carrie Underwood
10. What is something you're addicted to? Facebook, diet green tea
BONUS QUESTION: Should I make bacon wrapped jalepeno poppers (not spicy), pico de gallo or cookies for the game night GTG at Jess's house Saturday night? poppers!
1. What time do you usually get up? The dogs wake me up around 7:30 but lately I've been so tired that I go back to sleep until 9.
2. What do you usually eat for breakfast? some dry cereal or a bagel with cream cheese
3. Three things always in your fridge? Salsa, tomatoes, milk
4. Something your mother still nags at you about? everything!
5. Something your husband does that never fails to piss you off? when he starts talking and then stops mid sentence and never continues the thought! lol
6. Do you prefer calling, e-mailing or texting? mostly calling but I text my hubby during the day since he can't talk.
7. How do you indulge your inner geek? umm playing the SIMS? hehe
8. Store you'd have no problem spending money at? Rue 21
9. Who is your favorite/most tolerable of the "Idol" winners? Kris Allen
10. What is something you're addicted to? Bagels
BONUS QUESTION: Should I make bacon wrapped jalepeno poppers (not spicy), pico de gallo or cookies for the game night GTG at Jess's house Saturday night? Wish I could go it all sounds yummy!
1. What time do you usually get up? 5:15
2. What do you usually eat for breakfast? cottage cheese and tomatoes or oatmeal
3. Three things always in your fridge? milk, diet coke and water
4. Something your mother still nags at you about? going to the doctor if I'm not feeling well
5. Something your husband does that never fails to piss you off? He gives me advice all the time. Sometimes I just want to vent and not really hear his opinion on the matter.
6. Do you prefer calling, e-mailing or texting? I don't mind talking on the phone, as long as it is a relatively short call.
7. How do you indulge your inner geek? by playing card games online
8. Store you'd have no problem spending money at? Anthropologie
9. Who is your favorite/most tolerable of the "Idol" winners? I haven't watched the show enough to really form an opinion on this
10. What is something you're addicted to? coffee, exercise and the internet
BONUS QUESTION: Should I make bacon wrapped jalepeno poppers (not spicy), pico de gallo or cookies for the game night GTG at Jess's house Saturday night? Unfortunately I can't go, but I love pico and chips!
1. What time do you usually get up? 7:30 during the week, later on weekends....for now
2. What do you usually eat for breakfast? Whatever I'm in the mood for, nothing standard
3. Three things always in your fridge? Sliced cheese, Chick fil A sauce (hubby's!) and OJ
4. Something your mother still nags at you about? Drink more water and my lips are always chapped
5. Something your husband does that never fails to piss you off? Come home late from work or is never on time!
6. Do you prefer calling, e-mailing or texting? Emailing or texting
7. How do you indulge your inner geek? Putting around on the computer
8. Store you'd have no problem spending money at? Bed Bath and Beyond, soon Babies R Us
9. Who is your favorite/most tolerable of the "Idol" winners? Kelly Clarkson
10. What is something you're addicted to? The Nest and The Bump, eating out (we just can't stop, have to now!)
You definitely aren't! Pisses me off so bad!
1. What time do you usually get up? 6:15 on weekdays 7:30-8 on weekends
2. What do you usually eat for breakfast? Whatever I'm in the mood for, nothing standard
3. Three things always in your fridge? Shredded cheese, milk, butter
4. Something your mother still nags at you about? no nagging but sometimes rude comments
5. Something your husband does that never fails to piss you off? act like a hillbilly in public
6. Do you prefer calling, e-mailing or texting? Text or call
7. How do you indulge your inner geek? Putting around on the computer and play online games
8. Store you'd have no problem spending money at? MAC, Ulta, Sephora (see a pattern here)
9. Who is your favorite/most tolerable of the "Idol" winners? Carrie Underwood and Daughtry
10. What is something you're addicted to? I have lots but my husband would say "spending money" i might say shoes
1. What time do you usually get up? It depends
), juice, idk what else
2. What do you usually eat for breakfast?I usually forget to eat breakfast, but I always have a mountain dew
3. Three things always in your fridge?mountain dew (except tonight because I ran out
4. Something your mother still nags at you about?my eyeliner
5. Something your husband does that never fails to piss you off?He's not my husband yet, but he bites and picks at his nails
6. Do you prefer calling, e-mailing or texting?depends
7. How do you indulge your inner geek?
8. Store you'd have no problem spending money at?Sephora
9. Who is your favorite/most tolerable of the "Idol" winners?
10. What is something you're addicted to?caffeine
BONUS QUESTION: bacon wrapped jalepeno poppers !!
1. What time do you usually get up? Weekdays at 6:45am & weekends at 8:00am
2. What do you usually eat for breakfast? Special K Red Berries cereal
3. Three things always in your fridge? Ketchup, Orange Juice, and Hawaiin Punch
4. Something your mother still nags at you about? She won't stop saying "Look at this baby it is so cute! Here, hold this persons baby. Oh I love babies" ....Get the feeling she is trying to tell me something? Blah.
5. Something your husband does that never fails to piss you off? There are too many things to name. In general, when he finds something to annoy me he does it to no end.
6. Do you prefer calling, e-mailing or texting? Texting.
7. How do you indulge your inner geek? For one I am on thenest
also geocaching.
8. Store you'd have no problem spending money at? Unfortunately, we spend most of our money at Walmart..
9. Who is your favorite/most tolerable of the "Idol" winners? Isn't Carrie Underwood from American Idol? I like her.
10. What is something you're addicted to? Ice cream and the internet in general.