"How do you get back at a boss who wronged you? How about spending morethan a $1 million of your boss's cash before you head out the door?
That was outgoing "Tonight Show" host Conan O'Brien's apparent strategyWednesday night when he unveiled his show's newest character, the"Bugatti Veyron Mouse," a $2 million Bugatti sports caradorned with fake mouse ears and whiskers. The car's debut on the showwas accompanied by the sound of a master recording of the RollingStones' "Satisfaction."
O'Brien, who will host his last episode of "The Tonight Show"on Friday, cheerfully claimed that featuring the car and the classicsong on the show would cost NBC a total of $1.5 million.
"The good news is until NBC yanks us off the air, we can pretty much dowhatever we want and, this is the best part, we can do whatever we wantand they have to pay for it," O'Brien explained before introducing thecar. "So for the rest of the week we're going to introduce new comedybits that aren't so much funny as they are crazy expensive." "
Raise your hand if you'll be tuning in tonight and tomorrow.
*waves 'em in the air*
Re: Oh, Conan...
Crap...I Mean Crafts
I just a friendly gal looking for options.
with video goodness...
Conan Blowing NBC's Money, Spends $1.5 Million For One Minute Segment (VIDEO)