Obama's USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack, the "Biotech Governor of the Year" is trying to lift a court-ordered ban on Monsanto's genetically modified (GMO) "Roundup Ready" alfalfa. Whole article: http://capwiz.com/grassrootsnetroots/issues/alert/?alertid=14469696
This is more dangerous than the existing GMOs on the market (corn, soy, canola, cotton, and sugar) because alfalfa is a perrenial. So it's pollinated by bees. So those bees will spread GMO to everything they touch. The contamination of organic alfalfa, and possibly several other foods, is a serious threat to public health and safety.
The link below will allow you to comment on the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for GMO alfalfa. Consumers who ingest Roundup Ready alfalfa genes are risking their health; according to the EIS, "acute toxicity in mice was observed." The EIS warns that, "Based on upper estimates of exposure ... infants consuming fruit and all age groups consuming vegetables may be at risk of adverse effects associated with acute exposure to glyphosate residues."
I write EISs for a living, this is the single best way to ensure your voice is heard. PLEASE help preserve organic food with a few minutes of your time.
Click HERE to take action now
Re: Monsanto trying to lift ban on GMO alfalfa PLZ HELP!
I hadn't read about this yet so thanks!! I usually check into the oca site a few times a week and this is up there but I hadn't read it yet. Thanks for the info, I sent my letter!
Tired after a long morning of hiking and swimming.
Yikes! Done. Thank you so much for posting this.
wow wow wow. this is so so scary. off to send a letter now...
thank you for posting this!!!
Visit my blog about my family's experiments in eco-living
If you signed the letter you should have gotten a follow-up e-mail showing where the public meetings for the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) are. If you can possibly attend, PLEASE DO! I'll be going to the one in Maryland, over 2 hours from me. This is that important.
As I said, I work for an enviromental consulting firm and write EISs for a living. Providing your comment on the EIS in writing, preferably in person, is the best way to ensure your voice is heard. It becomes a section of the Final EIS, so your opposition is attached to this action forever. The decision makers take public comments very seriously, and use them for their decision about the action in question. The action in question here is the loss of true organic food. Don't let this happen! Send the link to everyone you know! Write your own comment if you can, unique comments mean more than a form letter. But anything is better than nothing!