Orange County Nesties
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How often do you talk to your family?
I was talking to my cousin today and she said she talks to her mom every day. I was all, "Whaaaaaaaaaaa?" I don't even know what I'd say to my mom on a daily basis. I must have a boring life.
I probably talk to my parents once a week and my brothers every other week.
Re: How often do you talk to your family?
After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!
I talk to my mom and dad like 3 to 5 times a day. On the way to work, at lunch or some other time during the day, another time during the day, on my way home from work, and sometimes around dinner.
I talk to my mom once every day or two. It depends on if she's getting on my nerves at all. I could go as long as a week without talking to her.
I talk to my dad when he answers the phone when I call my mom. Heh. He's just not much of a conversationalist.
I RARELY talk to my brother. He's exactly like my dad...not a conversationalist. And he doesn't live here anymore, so I never see him, either. We gchat every now and then.
Mom - a couple times a week
ILs - once a week
Sometimes I talk to my mother a couple times a day and sometimes she'll call me and say "I haven't talked to you in over week. Are you mad at me?"
Usually if I talk to my dad it's because he answered the phone when I was calling for my mom. That's about it.
I talk to my brother about once every other month.
When I would take LBIL to school every Monday, I would talk to MIL every few days. Now, just when I see her and the kids on the weekend when we use her washer and dryer.
I used to talk to my Mom and Dad daily. Now it's my grandma every other day.
ILs are every couple of weeks and usually it's just H talking to them. The time/language difference makes is less frequent
Mom- anywhere from everyday to once a week
Dad- Once a month or so...
IL's- minimum once a week
Sisters- Daily via FB
Gparents- every other week
I rarely talk to anybody in my family on the phone.
I e-mail my brother almost daily and see him weekly unless one of us is traveling.
I see my mother and father every other week -- alternating because they are divorced.
My parents: 1-3 times a week.
My brother & his family: 1-3 times a month.
In a good year, I'll see my parents 6-10 times through the year and I'll see my brother at least once.
I feel sort of sad now. :-(
I talk to my mom and step dad about every other day. My in laws about once or twice a week.
I am very close with my husband's siblings so about once a week or so. We also keep up with each other on FB.
However- my siblings/step siblings it's kind of embarrassing to tell you... maybe like.. once every 2-3 months? We're not close.
Well, it's partially the 3-hour time difference, but I really do not have the mental energy to talk to my mom more than once a week. By the time I leave work, I'm grumpy, exhausted and hungry. And on my way to work I'm grumpy and exhausted.
I'm a real peach.
Mom: 2-3x a week because I usually call her while I'm walking or jogging at night.
Sister: 2x a week. We're really close and we hang out at least once a week.
Dad: 2-3x a year. We have a good relationship but lives out of state and we don't have much to talk about.
Socializing foster puppies since 2009
Chart for TTC#2 - BFP 6.10.12, m/c 6.17.12 @ 4w3d ? BFP 7.14.12, EDD 3.27.13
Beta @ 15DPO: 441, P: 15.1 ? 19DPO: 2,784 ? 26DPO: 28,886 ? U/S 8/2: One happy HB!
Elective U/S @ 15w5d - it's a BOY! Confirmed at 19w6d. ?
I talk to my mom 2 or 3 times a week. I love her and could talk to her everyday but generally get caught up in other things so I don't get around to the daily call.
Everyone else in my family is sporadic at best. I'm trying to be better about it but it's a definitely a rough transition. Thank goodness for FB.
I talk to my parents a couple of times a week (they have to both be on the phone or they freak out).
I talk to my oldest sister at least 3X/wk. My middle sister and I haven't been speaking much. When we see each other we are fine but we don't call.
My mom I probably talk to 1-2x a week
I'm closer with my dad so I talk to him more...probably every day or every other day...
My sisters daily.
I dont call my ILs
I see my mom almost every day. I take my pup over there while I work so she won't be home alone.
I stay in contact with my younger sisters and sisters in law through IM every day and I probably talk to them a couple of times a week. I see my dad probably once a week, but we don't really talk on the phone. I never call my inlaws.
I should add my parents and 1 sister live 2 miles away. My other sister just got married and moved from central OC to northern OC. So I see her less often.
I'm a bad daughter.:/
my mom: a few times a week.
my dad: once a week
sisters: every few weeks
ILs: never
I think I'll be making some phone calls this weekend...
i trade e-mails with my mom once or twice a week. we're not big fans of phone calls.
i haven't talked to my dad in over a year, and before that, not for ten.
i keep in contact with my cousins via e-mail and facebook.
my sibs, i haven't heard from since my brother's wedding in november.
the rest of my family can suck it.
on the flip side, i see MIL every day. FIL, every weekend. brother wan, probably once a month.
my mom: a few times a week.
my dad: once a week
older sister: a few times a week
other siblings: once a weekish
ILs: when I see them.
I've been seeing my mom Tuesday-Friday she's been watching Bella since I went back to work last Tuesday. But that will change next week when she she has her two out of the four days... she's splitting those with MIL.
I talk to my mom several times a day or we'll talk when I get home and tells me about her day with Bella. Even before Bella we would talk at least once a day, my mom is one of the funniest people I know and we just laugh on the phone.
My sister and I email or text each other every other day. We're now getting closer since she turned 21 and I now see her as somewhat grown up
My IL's I see them once a week and talk, email or text at least once or twice a week.
I haven't seen my dad since my college graduation, but we're FB friends and talk every now and then on there... weird