this is not the SIL who's pg with #3 and living on $68/week.
This SIL is 21, going to an art program affiliated with Penn (hello ivy league!), has a fairly decent head on her shoulders.
She just called to say congrats on BL 2.0 and we were chatting and she mention she was going to move in with her boyfriend (of at least a year i think).
so i told her "that's great! congrats!"
and she said: "can i just say, thank you thank you THANK YOu for not saying..."well, you're an adult."
Granted, she comes from a hybrid mormon-catholic family that is fairly conservative. but still, i feel bad for her. i told her, yeah, it's true she's an adult, and she can make her own decisions. so if it's right for her and the bf, go for it.
She's a pretty smart chick, and certainly has an actual "plan" as opposed to the other SIL's plan which was to get married and have babies (literally, i heard her say that).
i feel bad that it seems like mr. kat and i are the only ones she can really talk to about these kinds of things without feeling like she's being judged.
Re: Feeling bad for my SIL (different SIL)
that's kinda sad.
Hell, my (fundie-esque) parents didn't like that I lived w/ male-gay-roomie. My dad said his piece once...and still helped me move. And they're not entirely thrilled that baby-sis is living w/ BF...but they actually still drove her ass from SC to TX to help it happen--because they ar glad she's doing well and has her head on, even if they don'tlove the choices.