If you didn't know, DH got laid off a couple weeks ago. He's having a good job search so far, with some possibilities, so we're optimistic for the most part. He's in the recreation field and has been very successful at it- the lay off was due to budget cuts. We met at UNH where he got his degree in Recreation Management & Policy. Perfect for his interests and it's been a wonderful career fit.
Fast forward to today: I work in accounting. Supervisor asked me how the job search was going. I told her about a few recent interviews, then made a small joke that DH and I have running- that he just likes to have summers off (he was out of work last summer as well). She laughed and said "well he can have summers off, and go back to school to get a real degree!"
WTF?!?! I laughed it off at the moment but stewed about it all day. How dare she. How completely insulting. She has no idea about DH, about how challenging the degree was, about how great he has been in his career, she knows nothing. And I'm sensitive about it right now anyway but how dare you say something like that to anyone, ever.
She says inappropriate things often, but this got personal, and this crossed the line. I'm not one to complain but I was so upset that I talked to our boss (a partner in the firm) privately about it, and will talk to HR next week (HR director was out today). Our boss is great and he was glad I said something. I don't want to make a big deal, but she majorly crossed the line. How insulting- pretend to care about the job search, then insult my husband, in front of co-workers no less. Argggg...
Re: My supervisor insulted my husband
I agree that it was inappropriate, but being a person who happens to stick my foot in my mouth often, I could see how she might have thought she was being funny. Case in point, see my post from yesterday that I titled "What the hoo-ha??" I thought I was being funny but now feel foolish for such a title. She may in fact be kicking herself now for saying it (as I am). I know that I often put things the wrong way and after thinking about it, feel like a fool.
I don't know....just my two cents....no disrespect intended
She sounds like a piece of work, Lauri!
I probably would have gone back to her directly to kinda quietly discuss how I felt about what she said to see if she mispoke and was willing to apologize for that before going to the boss if I thought that she might be receptive. But you know her, you probably already know that she isn't the type who would be.
That is rude. ANY degree from ANY college is a real degree. My DH has a good job, but he never went to college. Sometimes I get annoyed because he is so smart, and I think he could do so much more- but when others say he needs a "real" job- it pisses.me.off. He HAS a real job- with a real paycheck and benefits and everything! (insert snotty voice here).
Maybe she did not mean any harm- but it would piss me off too.
And Robin- I can NOT believe someone called you that because you were excited about the HP trailor. That is majorly crossing the line (of course I speak as a person who also dances around when the new trailors come out!)
Well, after HR talks to her, maybe Jake can have her job! He's probably way smarter and more qualified then she is! Hahaha!
I would be incredibly upset if someone said something like that. What an ass.