Our neighbors have a new dog. I saw him/her poking her muzzle through part of the fence that was rotting, that H broke with the weed eater. At first I thought it was a boston terrier, however, the muzzle kept getting bigger and bigger.
Jake was boucning around, looking from the fence to me, fence to me, making these little whinning noises, while his whole body was wiggling.
(Now I know what it might feel like for your kid to see a toy and say, "Mooooommy, get iiiiiit fooooooor meeeeee!")
The dog started digging under the fence, and it soon became apparent that it is not a boston, but rather a boxer.
Between the sad state of the fence, the increasing size of that dog, and how excited everyone seems to get to meet each other....that fence is coming down. I looked out the window the other day and saw half of Ax - even HE wants to see the puppy.
Re: In doggie news
I just a friendly gal looking for options.