so i have this aunt who i am not close with at all.... she has this thing with rubbing my belly. i have this thing where i dont want ANYONE touching me ever! she knows it because ive asked her my mom has told her not to... but that goes in one ear and out the other....
well tonight i was at shop n save and as we were walking out there she was with her gf.... so i say hi and i am as close to the carriage as i possible can be,*there also was no way of avoiding her either otherwise i would have just done that* anywyas, im so close my belly in basically under the handle of the store carriage and still she reaches in and rubs the belly. WTFing F!
it was all i could do to not slap her hand and say NO.
i dont think i would have such an issue with this but i just cant stand her. she contested my memeres will because since she didnt have kids, she doesnt see why she had to "be punnished for not having kids" and tried to take my memeres wishes away, thankfully my other aunts and uncle and dad paid her off to shut her up/... thats a different story for another day....
basically i dont want her to even think she can be all happy for me and want to touch my belly when i know how she feels. kwim? i never like my belly touched even by don. i will let him but even he knows he might get his hand slapped.... lol..... you get my point right?
anyways.... i just had to get that out because its been bothering me.... i hate fake people and i definately dont want fake people touching the baby belly bump...... grrrrrr......
Re: annoyed....