Because I am in such a FOUL mood and I don't know why! ?I don't want AF to come; I've rather enjoyed not seeing her for the past year and a half!
To spin off on my post below...I was in Xmas Tree Shops tonight. ?This lady practically knocked me over to cut me off and get in front of me on line. ?Ok. ?Whatever. ?I wasn't going to let it get to me. ?She checked out and was literally almost out the door, the cashier was about to scan my single item and then the women yells across the store to her son, "Yeah, come on, come right up to the front of the line!" ?So, he was rather embarrassed and said, "But Mom, I don't want to cut in front of all these people." She said, "You're with me, so it's ok." ?I was biting my lip and then it just came out... I said to the kid (about 15/16), "You know, you were doing the right thing by not wanting to cut the line. ?That was the polite choice." ?He smiled at me, the mother gave me a dirty look and they were on their way.
Re: I must be getting my period or something