okay girls I have a bit of time so I wanted to finally try to give you an update. I have barely had time to eat the last couple days. On a good note, I have lost some weight but not in a healthy way.
So Monday we had the electrician come out and give us an estimate. We were just about on with the estimate, it will be $9k if he supplies all the materials as well but he is willing to do the work and we buy all materials which will save us some money, about $1200, so that was nice of him. We were supposed to have two other people show up that night for estimates but they didn't show. One didn't even call. Whatever, his loss. Monday was also spent on the phone with Fidelity over this whole cash out my retirement thing. We needed that money to be able to pay for the insurance and all that. I finally got that squared away and we got the money on Wednesday. Thank goodness since we didn't have the money for the insurance with out it. At that point it looked like we could close on Thursday. By Tuesday morning we finally had the home inspection in to the mortgage company. They sent it over to the underwriters and the bank. On Wednesday it came back that we needed to have the house painted. It has partial vinyl siding but all the other paint was chipping and unbeknownst to us, it is against FHA guidelines to have any chipping paint on the house, so we had to have the eaves and sophets painted. This needed to be done before we could close so we had to get approval from the bank that the owns the house to have an extension and the lister assured us that this had been approved so we had to push the closing back to Monday the 13th. But this whole painting thing blindsided us so Cherylann was like, this is ridiculous, the sellers have done NOTHING to help this go through, so she called the listing agent and said "look, it needs to be done, you need to take care of some of this. My buyers are taking this house with needing new electrical, plumbing, windows, and everything else, you can take care of something". The lister said no, she wasn't doing it and certainly wasn't paying for it. So Cherylann asked why cant the owners or their kids get over to the property and get this done? Again, excuses. So Cherylanns husband was going to go do it!! But once he found out it was on the roof he couldn't because since he is also an agent with the agency, he was told he couldn't. The lister then started more of her bullshit. Over the last two days she has systemically lied to both Cherlyann and my mortgage person. Not once but numerous times. The painting was supposed to have been done by yesterday, I can tell you that my house still is chipping and she had no intention of doing it, so we said fine we will do it. We had a couple people and were just going to go do it today, Saturday. We were warned against this later in the day Friday by Cherylanns broker that it would be a huge liability and that it would be considered trespassing without the permission of the lister, who had stopped answering her calls. At this point Cherylann had hung up on the lister due to catching her in another lie and telling her that the situation needed to be remedied by her and her sellers by 5 pm Saturday, and then she ended the call. This was all by yesterday at 3. So Cherylann asked her broker to call the lister. She snowed him too. She told him that she had an estimate done yesterday morning, that is also another lie, Rob and I were at the house from 8 until 10:30 yesterday morning and there was nobody there but us and a couple contractors. So as of last night we are not sure when the closing will be. It is supposed to be Tuesday. So we were at the mall with the kids, getting school supplies and stuff. I get a call from Cherylann. The extension that the bank had supposedly approved.. yeah they didn't approve it. So we now have no idea what is going on. And like I said.... the lister is not answering her phone. I am so angry I could bite bullets. I have already started a letter to the Real Estate Commission. Here is the funny thing. This whole process started 4 weeks ago, not that long compared to Jodi's but so far our closing has gone from the 31st, then the 6th, the 8th, the 11th, the 12th and now we are not sure. Legally since the bank did not approve the extension, they can put the house up for auction. Nice huh!!
Thanks for reading the whole thing.
Re: VERY long house update.. mini novel actually
Wow Kim!! I Dont even know what to say! I hope things work out for you guys, I really do! I feel so bad that you guys are STILL going thru all of this crap!
If there is anything I (or Carl) can do to help, please let us know. I know there isnt alot that I can do personally until after this baby comes out but my husband is a different story!
Holy crap Kim! What a freakin whirlwind!! They seller sounds like a real PITA and I am so sorry that you have to go through all this. So let me get this straight, you have paid for all the electrical AND now the paint.....and what are they doing or taking care of?? I really hoped that they were bare bones on their asking price or I would just pull the whole thing and bring her to court!
GL hun! Lots of thoughts, prayers and {{hugs}}