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Hey there. I saw your question on Debi's post about registering. Chicco and Graco are both rated very highly by Baby Bargains. (If you don't already have that book, I highly recommend it.) They are both great for safety, durability, etc. We have the Graco car seat, stroller and pack n play and love them all. We have never had an issue with any of it. So if you find it cheap, I say get it! 
Have fun shopping!
Re: ~*~PMA0924~*~
Awesome!! Thanks so much for your input!! The sale ends today on those items, so it looks like we're heading back to Target this afternoon to pick them up!
Thanks again for letting me know! We appreciate it!
We do not have that book that you mentioned. The only one we have about baby items is Parenting magazine's Baby Must Haves.
Did you ever use the PNP as a bassinet at night, or did you use a crib right away or a real bassinet?
You're welcome! There are a lot of baby items we are very happy with, and I feel good recommending stuff we really like. The Angelcare monitor and ultimate crib sheets are two of my other favorites! (Sorry...I always like to recommend those to soon-to-be parents!!!)
Rylie has been in her crib at night since we brought her home. I didn't breast feed, so there was really no need to have her in our room since her room is right next to the kitchen and I had to make her bottles anyway. We do use the PNP when we travel. IMO, I don't really care for it for more than a night or two. The "mattress" is only like an inch thick...if that. She is used to her comfy crib mattress and I'm sure that isn't near as comfortable. But maybe babies don't care? I don't know. I also used it when she was a newborn if I wanted to come upstairs and use the computer. We got one with a vibrating mechanism so she took nice naps in it. It is a definite must have, but I just wouldn't use it for nightly use.
Feel free to email me if you want to talk, or have any other questions. leela at netbrian dot com I'm certainly no expert, but I love talking everything baby!
Oh! And which Graco pattern are you going to get?
Sorry - my first chance to get online today! Graco and Chicco are both great brands - the Graco car seats always sold the best it seemed. I say go with the Graco if it's on sale!
I want to know, too!! What pattern are you getting?
We bought the Melbourne pattern, which is a really pretty blue color with brown. I don't think it looks "too boy" looking at all, it's a very pretty blue, which is my favorite color.
The PNP we bought does have sounds and vibrations. I heard we should buy a bouncer that have vibration as well. Do people usually buy a bouncer and a swing? If people don't usually buy both, then which one is a must?
I guess we will start our registry next weekend when we head back to BRU. We didn't start one at Target, but I was thinking about it. I saw the Angelcare monitor at BRU and had pointed it out to my husband. I've heard both good and bad things about them. I'm just wondering how many times it goes off as a false alarm. I keep hearing different things.
Our next item to buy is a crib. We want to use my husband's dressers that he had growing up, and the problem will be trying to find a crib to match the same color of wood.
I wrote down your e-mail address, so expect to receive e-mails from me! ha ha!! I'm so new at this baby stuff!
I like the Melbourne pattern! We got the Milan which is also blue and brown. I wanted something unisex in case the next one is a boy.
We got a bouncer and a swing. The bouncer was a life saver for me for when I wanted to shower! I would just put her in it and between the vibration on the bouncer and the noise of the water in the shower, she would usually fall asleep. The swing was great when she was younger, but she stopped liking it a couple months ago when she started wanting to sit up all the time. It was great, though, when she was real little. She ended up napping in it most of the time. We got the Fisher Price Rainforest bouncer and swing (and high chair) and have never had any issues with any of them. Plus, that swing plugs in and I've heard that the battery operated ones will end up costing a fortune in batteries!
We have gotten some false alarms with our Angelcare monitor, but I would rather have a few false alarms and still have the peace of mind that it gives. We originally just had the Sony monitor, and while it worked OK, there was always a lot of static and you couldn't get it near a cell phone. Even without the breathing detection, the Angelcare monitor is great! We don't have any problems with static or interference. The false alarms have happened when she gets all curled up in one certain corner of the crib. I have to tell you that the first time it happened I don't think I even touched the ground I ran into her room so fast! She has been sleeping through the night since she was a month old and the first time she did it (we didn't have the Angelcare yet) I woke up in a sheer panic. And even though she was sleeping through the night, I wasn't because I was constantly getting up to check on her to make sure she was breathing. (Crazy, I know!!!) Now that we have the Angelcare, I sleep just as peacefully as she does.
We got our crib at Cribs4Life in Altamonte. I absolutely love them there. They do come on a little strong when you first go in, but their customer service is excellent! We love her furniture.
OK, enough of my rambling about baby stuff. But seriously, email me anytime!
You've got mail! (I have an aol e-mail address, I could end up in the Spam folder)
I got it and just replied! Our server is down so I can't get my email on my phone or the internet during the day. I usually don't even come upstairs to use the computer in the evenings, but I had to see what kind of important emails I had!