this is not an accent, it's a speech impediment. The kid can't pronounce R's or L's. Get him speech therapy!
Daniel has developed a Maine accent. Neither Dan
nor I have a Maine accent. Maine accents are generally reserved for
those in the Downeast region of Maine, around Bangor, Maine (pronounce
ban-Gore, not ban-ger). We have never lived there, but we say our fare
share of "wicked" when we are not talking about something evil.
Otherwise, we sound like normal Massachusetts folk, just like everyone
else in Maine. My son, however, now pronounces "more" as "moy-ah" and
"talker" as "tock-ah".
Re: I'm sorry but
Children tend to pick up the accents of their parents, so either she is in denial about her own accent, or her kid has a speech problem. It's not he has classmates that he is learning from.
I just a friendly gal looking for options.
I mean really. Would a doctor recommend speech therapy for a regional accent? Probably not.
I thought the same thing about "wicked", arb.
Ugh. Her stories just don't make sense.
And, does the word "vax" sound dirty to anyone else? Or is it just me?
Otherwise, we sound like normal Massachusetts folk, just like everyone else in Maine.
I think of Maine and I hear the creepy old guy from Pet Semetary in my head.
Kids don't always pick up their parents' accents. Both my my parents are from the east coast and I grew up in CA. I have a CA accent not a Philly or NJ accent. I also know a kid with South African parents and he has a New Jersey accent.
Either way, take the kid to a speech therapist and see what s/he has to say. They're the ones who would know or have an inkling on what's going on. But EK will go on thinking she's right and knows best and just keep a "hear out" for things.
Mass people sound like Maine people? I guess I sound like a Virginian, just like everybody else in North Carolina?
How old is the kid? I thought he was only 3 or so? It's normal not to pronounce all letters properly at that age, isn't it?
Also: When I was little I sounded nothing like my mother or my father. I had a thick (thick, y'all...) southern GA accent. I have no idea where I picked it up. I guess from daycare? Dad still laughs at my then-accent.
I just a friendly gal looking for options.
Well obviously it's a Klingon accent.
Uh, Candi, I'm pretty sure it's Bajoran. They were the religious ones, were they not?
You know, this whole conversation is not Varuna-approved. Shame on you all.
I think EK's family needs a lot of help. Ol' girl lives in DelusionWorld and it seems that 1/2 of her readers do, too.
They go to Wal-Mart and to 84239482035723 different stores trying to find the best priced 60/40 beef. Not to mention they go out to eat once a week.
She would seriously benefit from a bootcamp nutritionist. If she would listen. She's the nutrition equivalent to "I DO FOUR MEN EVERY DAY SO I CAN HAVE A BABY TO LOVE ME! WHATEVA! WHATEVA! YOU DON'T KNOW ME! I HAVE UNPROTECTED SEX ALL THE TIME AND MY MOMMA CAIN'T DO NOTHIN ABOUT IT"
I don't even know what that means. I had to Google to make sure that Klingon was actually a Star Trek reference. I get that and Star Wars mixed up. Judge away, I hate both of them...
You get a pass, because you're awesome, but Klingons were a warrior race who even fought in sex. It was more like they were trying to rape each other than have sex.
But it's cool, I was just exhibiting my nerdiness. Also? I had a slight thing for the Bajoran earring as a kid.
away from klingons....
I was listening to experts on canadian public radio talk about Autism the other day...part of the discussion included learning to talk/accents/etc from TV instead of parents = warning sign.
Her kids are screwed though.
That's exactly what worries me. Not that he has it, but he's "developed" it. Which suggests that this is something new. And let me tell you, if my kid fell into a coma, had brain damage to the extent where she was using diapers again and wasn't walking "as much as they'd like" and on top of it was having speech problems, I would be worried sick. And I would be working to address it whenever I possibly could. Not posting flippant comments about it on my blog.
But what do I know, this is probably just my lack of malnourishment talking.
My son has started pausing mid-word. Instead of normal "yeah" he says "yea... ah". Instead of "game" he says "gay... ame". Maybe they are two descriptions of the same problem. Anyway, we are going to keep an ear on it and get back to the doctor about progress.
Maybe the kid watched too many Paulie Shore movies while he was in the hospital.
This but sub Pittsburgh for Philly.
I also had a Chinese American law professor who had parents that immigrated here, thick accents. He was reared in TX, and happened to have a gay lisp as well. So, he was a 6' tall Chinese man w/a TX accent and a gay lisp. It was trey interesting.