i have a few questions. please advise.
dh and i have been having the dog talk lately. (in addition to having the kid talk, we've been doing a lot of talking lately. maybe dh needs to get a pt job.) dh's family had a dog. my family has never owned a pet.
i told him about cw, the pic with the cats licking the beaters, and the further discussion of crotch mouth and utensils.
dh told me that when he owned a dog, he did not wash his hands after every time he touched the dog. obviously, there is still hand-washing before eating, but not hand-washing after every human-canine interaction.
as someone who comes into infrequent contact with dogs, i wash my hands after every encounter. dh says that he thinks i will stop doing so once we have a dog.
is he right? do you not wash your hands after you pet the dog? i mean, not even to get the dog smell off your hands?
Re: dog people
IF/Baby Blog
2 years, 2 surgeries, 2 clomid fails, 2 IUIs, 1 loss, IVF #1 - 10/25/10 = BFP!
TTC #2 - June: surgery #3, FET #1 w/ Lupron = canceled, poor lining
FET 1.2 mini-stim = BFN
FET #2 mini-stim, no BCPs = BFP 5dp5dt, betas:11dp5dt=350,13pt5dt=978, 16dp5dt=4606!!
I can't wait for the "im getting a divorce" post in 5 years or so because your husbands were fed up with your disgusting chair asses from playing on the knot all day and getting fired 4-5 times for not doing any work. you guys are all winners!! ~ Laur929
Honestly, I don't wash after every dog-human contact. I wash before I am going to eat/cook/otherwise have hands near food or mouth but if I was to wash my hands after every single contact, I would wash the skin away.
And I could get on my soapbox here about hand hygiene and the overkill we as a society participate in, but I won't.
My little dog does not smell, so I don't wash my hands every time I touch her. The big guy, though, I do almost every time. He is a stink machine. If it's a passing pat on the head, then I don't need to, but if I'm actually petting him I will. Sometimes when he's really dirty you can feel the dog yuck on your hand. ::shudder::
Get a small, long haired dog. They're less offensive smelling (and some don't shed at all-like Shih Tzus.) Yes, there's more work and more expense with grooming, but it's worth it. They smell so much nicer.
I just a friendly gal looking for options.
i am only interested in single-coated, short hair dogs, mainly because of the grooming and shedding factors.
Here's a list of light shedding dogs. Seriously, the amount of hair that bill sheds makes me gag. Get a light shedder!
H, I think you have to worry more about this:
I think it depends. I don't have a hardfast rule that dog touching = hand washing. Bailey isn't a dirty dog, so he rarely smells or carries much dirt on his fur. He's got medium-length, one-layered fur and sheds like a mofo. Gracie, on the other hand, has a very long, coarse, oily, multi-layer coat so she tends to get end-of-the-month grime on her fur. The dirt clings to her coat oils so well. And she can smell more often than Bailey. Her coat also sheds in layers - under and top coats - at different times of the year.
Both are for sale for $5.
IMO, short hair sheds more, for the record.
I don't wash my hands after interactions--before food and before touching my face and every time I'm in the bathroom? sure. But honestly, logically I'd need to wash my hands between human interactions (much more likely to give me disease) if I was disease worried...and I don't.
And my dog doesn't smell. (good food helps :-)