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Has anyone moved from the city to the burbs?
DH and I want to buy a house (with a yard!) and so we're thinking it's probably best and most affordable to move to Oak Park or another close suburb. We can get something much bigger and the schools would be better for when we have kids (next 2 years or so.) And with a yard we could get the dog I've always wanted. The thing is, I really love living in the city (everything's close, don't have to drive, like the energy) and I'm afraid I'd miss it too much or realize too late it was a mistake to move. I'm so torn! I'm interested to see if others have been in this situation and how it worked out for you.
Re: Has anyone moved from the city to the burbs?
J born 4/11/2011
*not be in Oak Park.
I've never lived there but have also heard great things about Oak Park. Would you consider renting there for a year and testing out the lifestyle? Best case scenario - you love it and look for a permanent place. Worst case - you don't love it and can easily move back to the city.
Just a thought! As PP suggested a weekend might give you a good indication too.
Maybe consider a western suburb further out. Oak Park is taking a nose dive people wise and going up in price.
Idk. I'm just not impressed with the area.
I moved from lakeview to portage park, and then to Hoffman estates with my now DH. I had been looking at places to live in Oak Park and was pretty disappointed, but farther west or northwest might be a better bet. Or, look in Evanston! My mom got a great place with a yard for a reasonable price
We are! We're currently downtown in the loop and will be moving to a SFH in the far north burbs of Gurnee/Waukegan. I grew up there so it's not anything new to me... but more of a change for DH who's a definitely city boy. As much as I love the city and don't want to leave, we're moving since we need more space for our new addition coming in soon. We could get by with our current 1 bedroom but I know it won't last too long. I'd rather move before the baby comes than after.
As for Oak Park, I don't know too much but have heard good things. I'm more familiar with the northern burbs, especially Evanston. The purple line runs through it, making it convenient to get to the city. Another suburb is Skokie which has the yellow line (aka Skokie Swift) that connects to the L system too.
I live about 20 minutes from there.
Have you found a place yet?
J born 4/11/2011
Yes! We've bought my parent's home and they're moving overseas for retirement a week after we move in. It's on the border where Gurnee, Beach Park and Waukegan meet. I've exchanged emails with Kristen (nestie KristiKess) and I'm hoping us far north burb gals can get together from time to time. Is it just you, Kristen and Nicole? Either way, we should definitely do some GTGs!
Oh cool! Kristen, Nicole, and I have done a couple GTGs and are trying to plan another one. When are you moving? As far as I know, we're the only ones this far north, but I could be wrong. Anyone else?
J born 4/11/2011
We're moving the last weekend of March (3/27). Please let me know when you all decide to GTG! My email is otherwise Kristen is a friend of mine on FB...
If the housing market ever picks up, we'll be up in the N or NW burbs. We are stuck in the city with this crap 1 bedroom condo that's been on the market for over a year now! We keep seeing all these good deals for SFH's in Algonquin, McHenry, Lindenhurst and we're going to miss them
Have you considered renting your condo out? Hopefully some buyers will come your way soon!
I'm friends with Kristin on fb, too. I'll have to look for you and add you. I'm probably one of her only friends named April and married to a Shane, if you think to add me first. lol. We're trying to plan a GTG now, but can definately do another once you move here!
J born 4/11/2011
We've thought about it but that would be a last resort. I'm afraid the tentant will skip out and we're stuck with those payments plus and rent/mortgage we have out in the burbs. Also, we could only get $1000 for the place and we pay more than that with mortgage/assesments/taxes/insurance and we can't afford to pick up the rest right now with us making less than last year.
We live by Loyola so we are hoping some rich parents will buy their kid a 1 bedroom condo for their 4 years of schooling. I'm prepared to have a baby in this condo, but once that kid starts crawling, 800 sq ft will not be enough!
Yes! We have moved from great Lincoln Park to Lisle. We plan to build in Naperville so we moved out here to assess the area as well as be super close to DH work. Also we just had a child so I wanted to be somewhere that was not overcrowded, and wasn't too joyed about plowing the stroller everywhere.
Oak Park is a great area if you have a $1 million + budget and can live west of ridgeland, otherwise you risk of being in a sketchy side of it. We looked there when we were considering our move and under 500k you do not have much of an option.
If you are trying to be in a mini city that gives you that downtown feeling I would consider Evanston, Naperville, Hinsdale, Western Springs, Elmhurst or Schaumburg.
Good luck house hunting!