(xp from EFF)
DH & I went over our budget the other night. We've finally eliminated our debt (except for our house). But while reviewing our bills, I feel like we are paying WAY too much for our utilities (power & water in particular). So, we're trying to come up with ways to bring our bills down & here's what we've got so far:
- "navy" shower (quick rinse, turn off water while soaping/shampooing & then a quick rinse)
- cut bath water for DD to 1/2 amount, and less frequently. More sponge baths.
- run washing machine at night before running dishwasher.
- use clothes line as much as possible.
Plus, we're committing to:
- eat out only once per month
- get rid of the extra DVR
- only 1 movie on demand per month
- unplug everything when not in use
- watch less TV
- use more natural light & windows open during the day (when possible)
- buy less NEW clothing (shop consignment/thrift, etc.)
- start our garden!
- set-up rain barrel for watering & compost for above garden
- DH taking lunches to work (& keeping pb&j/bread at work)
What are you guys doing to keep your expenses down or save money?
Re: XP: budgeting - cutting expenses, etc.
You're already doing a lot of great stuff! A few other things I do:
- Change light bulbs to CFLs.
- Plan meals that use similar ingredients throughout the week. This way you won't be wasting money or food if you only use part of an ingredient.
- I make my own yogurt. Might not be a concern for you, but other people make their own breads, granola bars, etc. instead of buying them at the store.
- Use cloth TP. I know, it sounds gross and definitely is not for everyone. But I went from using 3 rolls of TP a month to one. I only use it for #1 and use regular TP for #2. After I use it, it gets thrown in a wet bag (kind of like a cloth diaper). Then I wash the clothes and the wet bag on hot with my undies.
- Make your own detergents. Some of the other girls have links to good sites that tell you how to make them. I don't do this yet, since I have industrial size cleaning supplies to get through.
Thanks! Yep - all the bulbs are changed!
I've tried to make yogurt for DD before (I'm not a huge fan - too sweet for my liking)...but am going vegan, so I need to experiment with soy). I am also looking at making my own bread as well. I've located a few recipes to try, so now I just need to find the time.
I actually discussed using cloth for TP. DH is totally not into it, but I think I'll give it a try. I just acquired a TON of t-shirt fabric from Freecycle that I can cut up into little squares for this purpose. - Thanks for the reminder!
I basically use vinegar with Dr. B's & EO's for cleaning, but laundry detergent, I do try to use EF stuff...
Rated "L" For Life Blog
We don't do much in the way of water/electricity/heating bills besides turning off all lights when not needed, turn off heat at night and bundle up, keep the curtains shut as long as I can during the day to keep heat in - we have thermal backed curtains and drafty windows... I unplug some things when not in use but others I leave in since we use them constantly.
DH always brings leftovers and DS and I typically also have leftovers for lunch. If there are none he takes a sandwich. We shop sales at the grocery store - stock up on items we buy every single week if they go on sale. We almost never eat out - less than once a month, maybe two or three. If we do take a long trip (2-3 hours) in the car we bring our own food and drink rather than stop. The only time this doesn't work is if the driver needs a soda since we don't buy that regularly or if we get stuck somewhere and HAVE to eat. If we do rent a movie we use Redbox since I can rent and return easily and it is only $1. We don't go out to things that cost money - ie: our hobbies have taken a hit. But we do go out and look around new towns, go for walks, go for drives, take DS to free kids events and things like that.
I really like the idea of the pause feature. I don't think I can use it in my apartment thought, we looked into replacing our showerhead once and I don't think they easily come off (and I don't want to damage a place we don't own).
- We had extra insulation put down in the attic (our home inspection had noted that we needed this).
- Turn down the hot water heater slightly. Also, go feel your hot water heater. I read that if it is warm to the touch, then it is giving off energy and you may need to put an insulating blanket on it.
- Wash all laundry on cold.
- Use ceiling fans in summer AND winter (turn them the right direction).
- Use "smart" power strips to turn off appliances when not in use. We have our whole tv/vcr/dvd/wii combo on a power strip and we only turn it on when actually using it.
- Weather strip around doors or windows where you have drafts.
- plan meals each week based on the flyers and what is on sale. If something is a great deal buy a few and freeze/store them
- programmable thermostat
- tankless water heater
- barely use dryer, hang most things (it is gas and energy efficient when we do use it though)
- use a toaster oven instead of oven when doing small things
- tried the no TV thing and it made no difference in our hydro bill (went a week without TV and internet)
- don't do PPV movies, we watch the free on demand movies
- we budget for everything so we know we can eat out every friday ($20 limit)
- buy baby clothes at a consignment shop
- cheap home phone through Vonage since we barely use it
- got rid of HDTV cable box when we noticed that not many shows are actually broadcast in HD
- use coupons