Dear Manager,
I get that you hate spending money. In reality, that's probably a good thing because the company needs to turn a profit and all that, but let's be real for a second. Without the people here building the widgets we wouldn't be a company at all so, even though you don't want to give temporary employees holiday pay, you have to. It doesn't matter that you didn't bother to include HR on your correspondence telling the temp agency (and payroll, and all other managers) not to pay for 12/25 and 1/1. Good thing I've finally gotten a couple of other managers trained, because they decided to loop us in. So, yeah, that nasty gram stating "we pay holiday pay to temps after 30 days, they're getting paid" in your inbox is meant to be nasty.
Stop being a cheap bastard, do your job, and treat people right. kthxbai.
Re: Open Letter (work vent)
Dear Global Director,
I realize that you think you're the most important thing to this organization. you're not. My boss, and your boss, only wanted to talk to you today. She wanted to put off this other call you want her on until tomorrow or later because it's a BAD IDEA to discuss the situation with this third party. You've insisted and now you're going to lose on this venture.
Pissed off Admin who has too much on her plate to deal with your ego.
Dear Volunteer Managers,
I understand that you mean well but when I ask for a budget and send you a template, you need to follow that template. The crap you're sending me will have to be re-done and you're going to have to sit through another seminar regarding putting together your budgets.
Also, please stop printing up promo items that are incomplete (at best) without consulting with me first. You're going to have to reprint at your own cost all sorts of crap because you left out important logos and words.
Your Annoyed Staff Manager
dear karen,
STOP TALKING WITH YOUR MOUTH FULL! Really, you sound like an uncouth rabid horse and i can hear the spit flying around on your side of the wall. your keyboard must have so much schmutz in it.
dear nancy,
Please wait for karen to finish chewing before you ask her a question.
andplusalso, STFU and stop asking me questions. no, i'm not on a call. i am pretending not to hear you.