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1/28 - Go to the principal's office
What's the most trouble you ever got in at school?
Re: 1/28 - Go to the principal's office
I was stirring up some trouble in my math class, and my grades were slipping. I had my one and only, student/teacher conference. I left in tears and my step mom came to math class with me for 6 weeks. She thought I was really embarrassed, but I wouldn't walk with her to class. I wouldn't sit by her, or speak to her. I pretended like she didn't exist, lol. My grades came back up and I never got out of hand again! It was kind of funny though- she'd know about all the parties going on, because she sat around other students. It sucked, but hey-- I learned my lesson
I really didn't get in a ton of trouble though. My step mom was so strict, as you can tell, so I was afraid of her more than anything.
I was never in big trouble. Here was my most traumatic though.
I had truly the meanest woman God ever breathed breath into for a first grade teacher. She was hateful and abusive. She literally would push kids, yank them by their arms, throw books and pencils, and come up with the most ridiculous punishments. For instance, one girl dropped a tissue and the teacher made her SIT IN THE GARBAGE CAN with the whole class's snotty tissues for a half hour!
Anyway I really was a goody 2 shoes and never got in trouble. Always did as I was told, had my work done, followed instruction. The day that the principal was coming to have lunch with our class, the teacher literally went up to the board and wrote my name on it for nothing (I was reading during quiet time). I asked her why she had, and she put a - next to my name. I started crying and got another -.
She was also incredibly abusive to one of the kids in my class who had a physical disability. I just have nothing good to say about this woman who had to tear down children to feel better about herself.
She died a few years ago. It was literally the first time I've ever heard of someone dying and was happy, but I was so glad she couldn't treat little kids like that anymore.
She made a kid sit in the garbage can?! Seriously? Wow nowadays I'm sure she would be sooooo fired and reported. I bet the whole class was terrified of her.
As for me- I was a goody two shoes. yes, I would get in trouble once in a while for talking to my neighbor, but nothing bad.
I passed a note to someone in study hall. The study hall teacher got mad and took it and put me in detention for abusing study hall time (eye roll). I got REALLY mad and walked out and slammed the classroom door behind me. I knew enough to know to go straight to the dean of women's office so I did and calmed down there until I could drive home.
ETA- we had a big school, 600 per class, very good school district. We had a principal and an asst principal but the dean of men and dean of women were the authority and who dealt with discipline and keeping kids in line.
I thought it was very stupid that I couldn't write a note in study hall and/or pass it to a student who also did not either have homework, or preferred to wait until after dinner to complete it.
I was a pretty good kid- or I was good at not getting caught doing what I did anyway!
I hated my 3rd and 4th grade teachers but at least they weren't anything like that. Geez.
That is so awful about your first grade teacher!!
I also had a bad experience with my first grade teacher (though not NEARLY that bad). The woman was even mean to my parents! For no reason other than that I was not in the "in" crowd (the first grade in crowd).
Anways, I was a goody-goody, too, but I was talking during class in 7th grade when we had a student teacher that was extremely mean. Our regular teacher was a very nice man who couldn't stand her himself because she was such a wretched person. My punishment for talking during class was that I had to sing the alphabet out loud in front of the entire class, which was actually a bad punishment for me, because I was painfully shy. My teacher was pretty angry at the student teacher for making me do that, but I had to go through with it anyways. I really think that's the only trouble that I ever got into at school, besides a note being taken here or there and being read in front of the class.
Married 05.24.08
Missed m/c discovered 07.25.12 at 8w5d- Always loving our Peanut
BFP #2 EDD 06.08.13
"For this child we prayed..." (1 Samuel 27)
So excited to meet Amelia Catherine!
Wow! I don't think a teacher could get away with that behavior these days. We have parents call the principal and whine when a teacher just looks at them wrong!
Married 05.24.08
Missed m/c discovered 07.25.12 at 8w5d- Always loving our Peanut
BFP #2 EDD 06.08.13
"For this child we prayed..." (1 Samuel 27)
So excited to meet Amelia Catherine!
Yes she did, and yes we were.
I've had migraines since I was 3, but my first grade year was when they were at their worst. It was no wonder. I would go to school fine, and come home shaking, sometimes throwing up from the headache pain, etc.
My mom told me later she cried every morning when she dropped me off at school.
And people DID go to the principal and the board of education and they said there was nothing they could do.
My friend (who I mentioned who has a physical disability who was really abused by her)'s mother wound up running for the BOE the next year. She was able to apply enough pressure to get that woman to leave. She taught 1st grade in another district for a few years, then was switched to high school.
I felt better about her being in a HS. At least those kids could somewhat stand up for themselves.
In 5th grade I got caught with a book hidden in my text book and lost recess.
In 7th grade I wrote "Ms. Whatever sucks" in someone's yearbook and then the teacher read it. She called me into her office and screamed at me until I cried. I still remember lying about my use of the word sucks - "you know that one time you had a sucker?"
The principal called my house to make sure that I was okay.