Yesterday I had a killer migraine. It has been brewing all week, since last Thursday, when I also stayed home. I am using up way too much of my vacation time being sick. This blows. I think the new meds Dr. Stupid Child gave me aren't as effective as good old treximet.
There is a big ice/snow storm moving through the area (thanks, Canada!). They closed the airport, therefore I feel campus should be closed....but they ain't calling it just yet.
Ax refuses to be potty training. Yesterday morning he blew out a big duece in his crate, sat in it, shook it all over the walls and generally made a disgusting mess. Hats off to H for cleaning it up and taking care of my miserable self.
Note to hmo: Please reconsider, Shiva, The Destoryer of Worlds due to the acronymn (STDoW). STDow. Too close to STD-WOW for my taste.
Re: Catching up