apparently my 'tacky living' newsletter was routed to the spam folder.
So I MISSED how to make a tremendously tacky turkey-cheese-ball.
Turkey-shaped Cheese Ball
A fine hors d'oeuvre for Thanksgiving or Christmas, and a grisly reminder of poultry death for vegetarians any time.
Place cream and shredded cheddar cheeses in a large bowl, and let them
stand at room temperature until softened. Beat at low speed, gradually
adding stinky cheese to taste (a little can go a long way). Beat in
onion (optional) and Worcestershire sauce. Beat on medium speed until
Cover and refrigerate at least 8 hours.
Creating the bird:
the cheese ball into five portions: a large ball for the body, two
medium balls for the drumsticks and two small balls for the wings. You
may find that it's easiest to work with the cheese if you dust each
ball with flour first.
Shape the body by forming a round ball, then rolling it between your hands until it forms a potato-like shape which is slightly tapered on one end.
To form the drumsticks, roll each medium-sized ball in your hands until it forms a rounded cylinder. Next, pinch a "waist" near one end of each cylinder, then use a knife to make a notch in the end closest to the "waist".
To make the wings, roll each small-sized ball into a cylinder. Taper the cylinder a bit, then flatten it. Bend the cylinder about 1/3 of the way from its tapered end to form a wing.
To assemble the bird, place the drumsticks on either side of the tapered end of the body, then place wings on either side of the other end. The pieces may stick to the body more readily if you smooth a bit of water on them first.
Arrange the poor, hapless cheese bird on a plate with crackers.
Rotten turkey - roll individual body parts in finely chopped parsley before assembling turkey.
Nutty turkey - roll individual body parts in finely chopped pecans or walnuts before assembling turkey.
Re: I can't believe I didn't see this in time for Thansgiving