I don't read many blogs but I find this one to be quite funny and had to share. You might have heard/seen this guy on ESPN: http://www.clubtrillion.blogspot.com/
It's a blog written by Mark Titus, a walk-on for Ohio State's basketball team.
He never plays, he just writes some damn funny stuff about the life of a walk-on like "being interrupted to be David Lighty's punching bag and watch while Evan "The Villian" Turner blames everything on me".
He calls it "Club Trillion" because the number 1 trillion is what shows up on your box score when you play 1 minute but do not contribute anything statistically.
Here's his "Mr. Rainmaker" video which is pretty funny too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5V6FCitvRUM
And just for kicks, this is probably my favorite blog entry of his: http://clubtrillion.blogspot.com/2008/11/i-want-to-start-off-this-blog-by.html
Anyhow, hope someone else gets a kick out of his blog in case you are bored and looking for fresh material to read.
If you have a favorite sports blog, feel free to post it!
Re: Funny sports blog
Added to Google Reader. Thank you!
Thanks! The only funny sports blog I subscribe to is EDSBS. It can be pretty "out there" but it's funny.
I am LMAO at the credits "Jealous doucher -- who cares?!"
TTC Baby #2 - BFP on 12/14/11 @ 10DPO - CP confirmed 12/18/11
BFP #2 on 1/13/12