FTR, I do think C&Ping her entire post is probably copyright infringement, even if it cites her as the author. But I'm no IP lawyer. I know a lot of books I read say that the work can't be copied in whole or in part without permission from the author, with an exception for brief excerpts for the purpose of reviews. (Something like that.) It seems that the same would apply to blog posts, but what do I know?
That said, the comments are great.
Really, Emily? Lost income? But...but...I thought money wasn't important to you? I thought it was all about twirling the Wonder Wash?
Do copyright lawyers barter their services for soap nuts or old placenta?
A doff of the hat to her, she gets a lot done in a day. Which I imagine is easier to do when you don't think cleaning your home is worth the bother or you don't pay attention to whether your children are falling into comas..
Emily can complain to the FBI, Blogger, Obama, baby Jesus and the flying monkeys from the Wizard of Oz but people are going to copy her crap all over the place until everyone gets sick of her.