for our second Christmas together, I was not making very much money so I wasn't able to buy anything overly expensive for DH (who was just a FI at the time)
I went to WalMart and in their craft section I found a package of assorted scraps of cardstock. There were about 250 pieces of paper of all different colors ranging in size from an inch squared to 5 inches squared.
I browsed the housewares section and found a wooden box with a latch top that was $2.
Then, on 100 pieces of paper I wrote different reasons why I loved him. On Christmas it was the last gift I gave him to open, and I read each one to him.
He still has it, on his headboard, and every once in a while he'll look at them and be reminded of all the reasons why I love him.
(plus it helped me to be reminded of why I love him)
hope this helps any of you who might be stuck on V-day ideas
Re: cheap and easy gift idea
BFP #1 2-8-09 Natural M/C 6w1d 2-19-09
BFP #2 5-28-09 C/P 6-1-09
BFP #3 10-30-10 Natural M/C 12-8-10
BFP #4 1-16-12 EDD 9-18-12 Stick baby stick!!