I have several goals or upcoming projects I'm working on with the turn of the new year...not exactly new years resolutions...
For instance...I want to work on redecorating our home this year...it's always just been a pish posh of decor, nothing really planned or aimed in one direction...and with my new job...more income, we can do this easily now.
DH and I are also cooking healthy meals at home now that I don't work as many odd hours...so we are always looking for new good recipes that are heart healthy.
Oh and we are doing this bill calendar thing to ensure all our finances are in order each month so we can keep decreasing our built up dealt and increase our savings. It is working great so far!
And later this summer we'll probably start trying for our first baby...so that is pretty exciting!! I don't know if I'd call that a project!!! =D
Re: share your upcoming projects/goals
We bought a bunch of furniture at the end of 2009, so our house is looking a little less like a college mish-mosh of over-used furniture. (We kept watching Craigslist and then BAM! Right around Xmas we saw our dream living room.... kitchen table we had to buy new as we weren't having much luck... but my old $100 IKEA table served us well for 6 years and is now in BIL's kitchen... the old table just didn't look right in our new house.) We got some artwork finally up on the walls after 2 years of living here. We still have a few spaces that need something up, but we are light years from where we were before Thanksgiving.
We want to get the attic space finished this summer (start on this in the fall, took a break due to the bitter cold). The only thing we are not doing ourselves is the electric... so this is taking some time to do.
Have an antique china cabinet that needs *professional* refinishing.
Finish up my pre-reqs for nursing school (Like right now I'm not working on my philosophy paper... ugh... hate that topic.)
Probably go visit my parents one last time before they move and sell the house I grew up in. This involves a plane ride, so I really have to plan ahead. And I don't have alot of vacy time, due to work making me use up the time for school... boo... last semester they just let me use unpaid time off. Boo to my employer.
We are also trying to financially prepare ourselves for less income when I start school FT. Hence why we are doing some projects/fun stuff now. And yes we are putting some money in the bank for the rainy day fund as well.
My big project for this year is our debt. We don't have a substantial amount, but my eyes have been opened to the possibility of a debt free lifestyle and I'm on a mission to get us there
As far as upcoming home projects, I still have some organizing/decorating to do from our move (which I'm taking 2 days off this week to work on! Hooray for having too much vaca), but our biggest is our privacy fence we'll be building as soon as the ground thaws so our dogs can no longer see the bazillion neighborhood happenings that set off their bark alarms.
We're working on buying furniture for our house and doing little home improvement projects. We refinished the floor in the dining room the weekend we moved in and this spring we are FINALLY getting rid of the ugly berber in the living room to finish those floors.
We have been on WW since August and are continuing that. DH has had an easy time with it and has lost 55 lbs. I, on the other hand, have lost just 15. But hey, I'll take it, it's a start!
I got my CNA certificate a few weeks ago and am enjoying my new job. I'm hoping to start the LPN or RN program later this year. Keeping my fingers crossed!