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My kid woke up at 5:15. He's now sacked out and I'm hyped up on caffeine! How was the weekend?
Full of predictability here. MIL and sFIL came over Sunday (because there was no sporting event to watch on TV). DH was on call and guess what? He had to go in. I'm glad they missed visiting their son but not a game.
And some FB awkward: SIL is friends with MIL and her mom and some of FIL's siblings. sMIL sent a friend request. SIL won't accept it.
Re: Morning
We had a pretty good weekend. Friday night, I dyed DH's hair. Well actually highlighted it with a highlighting cap. We watched "Black Hawk Down".
Saturday, we did some stuff around the house and some shopping. The kiddo went to a sleepover/birthday party. Then a few friends/family came over for our poker/birthday party. My sister brought my two year old nephew over. He had fun trying to give my chips away to DH's friend. I also introduced him to yogurt covered pretzels, which he LOVED.
Yesterday, DH went and picked up the kiddo and brought home breakfast. We hung out for a little bit and then went shopping. I scored some Calvin Klein pumps for $30, which was a total WIN! We rented some movies. When we got home, DH took a nap and then we watched "The Hurt Locker" (which I totally recommend). After wards, we watched some of the Grammy's and went to bed.
My weekend was just OK. DH has a cold, so he's been pretty much unbearable. Men! Ugh!
Saturday night I had my birthday party with my Dad's family - - yes, we get together to do gifts and cake, etc. with everyone in my Dad's family for every birthday. It's getting old. But it wasn't too bad this time because we got my favorite old neighborhood pizza and had my favorite kind of cake (white with coconut icing.)
Yesterday, we just laid around all day and I watched about 5 episodes of Lost. I'm getting prepared for the big premiere on Tuesday!
6 - For your SIL: this is what I do when someone I know well wants to be my FB friend, but I don't really want them to be. I go ahead and accept their friend request (so they'll get a notification that their my friend) and then a day or so later, I remove them. They don't get a notification when you remove them.
Weekend was okay. My head cold's only been getting worse, so I was a sneezing, snorting, coughing, wheezing mess the whole time.
We did some shopping on Saturday, spent $200 at the grocery store (because we had NOTHING), went out for dinner, then crashed.
Yesterday, we walked around downtown, went to the National Gallery of Art, then crashed again.
I really hope I can shake this cold soon. It's putting a damper on my plans.
The weekend seemed like kind of a bust.
Saturday I got some new books about food, which I'm excited to read. Gillian McKeith-you are my hero. Then I spent 4 hours cooking/baking/assembling the things for SIL/BIL and we delivered those at 7:15 that night. Then my 2nd trip to the grocery store that night so I didn't have to go Sunday morning.
Sunday morning I helped H prime a project then lunch with ILs (tres awkward) then I did lots of nothing. Then dinner with family, then movie with friends. I made them stop the movie to watch the opener of the Grammys though.
I was so tired this morning.
Ahhh...Monday. Why do you hate me so?
I'm glad to be home after the weekend.
Friday I actually defended. Passed and won all fights with the Grad School, which were many. Then I got to have a nice dinner with H and my mom.
Saturday and Sunday were a disaster because of the winter storm. The closest we could get to home was 6 hours away by car. We were able to get a one-way rental car, but the roads were a skating rink Saturday night. After a night in a hotel, we then hit the road Sunday and drove all day. I'm glad to finally be home.