For those unfamiliar, there has been talk of constructing a high-speed passenger train from the QC to Chicago.
Like it? Hate it? Would you use it?
I haven't read into the specifics yet, but my initial reaction is that I love the idea!
I've heard quite a bit of negativity regarding the spending, but I think many people jump too quickly to criticize. You have to spend money to make money, and with the way the job market is in this area we sure could use some new jobs. Of course the state is spending money, but the revenue is going to go right back into the local economy and I just fail to see why that is a bad thing. I would much rather see government spending in a time of financial hardship go toward economic development that creates jobs and long-term revenue opportunities than to charity and welfare -- not that there is anything wrong with charity and welfare, and I certainly feel they are essential, but increasing the dontations doesn't fix the problem, creating jobs does.
Besides, the hubs and I are huge cubs fans and it would be way cool to be able to just jump on the train, go to a game and enjoy ourselves and then be able to come home without having to drive, worry about an overnight sitter, etc.
Re: What do you think of the new train project?
I am totally on board with the idea of a train coming to the QC (we would go up to Chicago with the In-laws way more often!). Ray LaHood (Transportation Secretary & Peoria native) was on WMBD-AM here in Peoria this morning talking about the funds that Illinois could potentially receive for train service. Specifically, there is talk of a high-speed train, but it would go from Chicago to St. Louis- nearest stop in Normal (they already have service!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!). The money would help improve freight train tracks (cheaper than building all new rail lines).LaHood talked about having a light rail line built following I-74 to go from, potentially, Galesburg to Normal, so more users could connect up to Normal for service to Chicago/STL. But that defeats half the purpose--- to get on ONE thing and going straight downtown Chi-town!
I'm all for bringing back rail service to both Peoria and the QCA! But one is better than none. I will say I want the service to work out well enough that one could go to Chicago for the day. I think that is part of the issue with the Amtrak line that runs out to Galesburg (if I reacall for years ago research), the timings don't work out well to go up there and back for a day.