C rear-ended someone yesterday. She's totally fine, and it was very minor - she just was distracted and pushed the gas to turn off of a side street without realizing that the woman in front of her hadn't gone yet - but the other woman's bumper cracked, so we have to pay to replace it...and for a rental car for while it's in the shop...
The cost isn't enough to bother dealing with insurance, but we are still going to be out over $400. This the same week that we found out we need to cough up $250 to have our new couch taken apart to get it to fit through our apartment house door.
The check engine light came on in our car this morning (the only visible damage from the accident is a mangled license plate) - so now our car is at the shop too, hopefully it's nothing serious. Thank goodness I have a former-mechanic dad who can fix it for us if it is something major.
Dear Universe - how about no more disasters for a little while, okay? I'd like to celebrate my birthday (Monday) in peace!!
Re: Just what we need...