After I came home from work today, I bathed Mason and then saw the neighbors outside. We went over to say hello since they haven't met him yet. They had their dog outside with them. While I was talking, the dog came over and sniffed (may have licked too) Mason's foot. About a min later Mason started screaming at the top of his lungs (He hasn't screamed/cried like that since his shots at 2 mo). He was happy and smiling before this. I brought him in immediately and checked him for bug bites but I didn't see any. His legs around the ankles were red, a little swollen, and it almost looked like a few hives popped up. Mason has been around dogs before, but I am wondering if maybe he is allergic to certain breeds and had a reaction. I am personally more allergic to certain breeds than others, and have varying degrees of reactions based on that. He is okay now and the redness has gone away. He still has a couple small "bumps/hives" on his leg but they don't seem to be bothering him. I will certainly be keeping an eye on him the rest of the night. My question is....
Is it possible that he has an allergy to dogs??
I plan to ask the pedi at his next appt, but was hoping for some mom opinions too......
Re: Moms...advice/help please!!
I am not allergic to dogs but i do get hives everytime my dog kisses me ( im so not going to say lick lol )
it could mean mason has a very sentestive skin, Do bring it up with your Pedi . I dont think infant can delveop allergics until about age 2 or 3.. I could be wrong...
Poor mason,
If it weren't for the fact that it has happened to me, I'm sure i would have freaked a little more than I did. I have also broken out with hives when my parents dog brushed up against my leg!! I am pretty allergic to whatever oils are in his fur, and can't pet him without IMMEDIATELY washing my hands afterwards.