To my dear friends& family, I am writing to let you know of an incident
that happened to me, in hopes that it will raise awareness in
all of us and not happen to another soul I love & care
Last nite about 6:45,I left my house to go to Whole Foods
to get some things for dinner.I have done this very
thing 2/3 times a week for years!!!I parked on the side(over by the old
CVS There were many other cars over there(at least
12-14,)in fact I parked next to a SUV w/ Hockaday& St Marks stickers on
it.I got my things and headed back to my car about 7:10
.I had gotten a
few orchids as well,so I walked over to the passenger side of my car to
load everything so that it wld make it home successfully.
Afterwards,I took
my cart and was attempting to put it up over to the sidewalk,when I
noticed a young(early20's)white male walking on the sidewalk.He stopped
rt in from of me,looking somewhat dazed,and asked me if I needed any
help.I told him that I did not,yet he just stood there.
I finally asked
if he needed the cart.He said yes,then grabbed it,threw it over,grabbed
me,threw me to the ground,strattled over me on his knees and began to
bash my head into the concrete.
He then ripped my necklace(given to me
by my father at 21yrs old)off my neck,grabbed my left wrist and tried
to take my wedding ring off.I started to scream thinking someone wld
surely hear me and help me
.He begin to slam me in the face over&over
again w/ his fist and calling me a ***.He took my ring and as he
stood to get up over me,a car pulled up.I was so excited thinking it
was someone coming to help me,but he quickly jumped in the passenger
side and they sped off!!!
It was truly an unreal experience and I am so
thankful -it could have been so much worse!!!!In the midst of police,TV
stations,newspaper and magazine people speaking to me(showing up at the
house etc)I have learned that all kind of crazy things happen here all
the time!!!
I have found out about terrible incidents at Tom Thumb
parking lots,CVS parking lots,malls(especially Northpark that has 1/2
violent incidents of some type EVERY DAY!!!!)All of these in nice areas
of town by people you would never suspect!!!!!!If you are receiving
this,it's because I love you and want you to be so aware&careful!!
seems as if things are getting worse and worse!!!!They told us that at
grocery stores,shopping centers etc,you should valet or never go by
yourself,not even during the day!!!!To all of you that contacted me or
came by today,I thank-you from the bottom of my heart!!!There is
nothing in this world like wonderful friends& family and I am beyond
blessed.Please say alittle prayer if you will, that this young man is
caught so that he can't do this again to anyone else(they think he was
on drugs& looking for something to keep his habit going)God Bless and
All of my Love
Re: Speaking of scary.
IF/Baby Blog
2 years, 2 surgeries, 2 clomid fails, 2 IUIs, 1 loss, IVF #1 - 10/25/10 = BFP!
TTC #2 - June: surgery #3, FET #1 w/ Lupron = canceled, poor lining
FET 1.2 mini-stim = BFN
FET #2 mini-stim, no BCPs = BFP 5dp5dt, betas:11dp5dt=350,13pt5dt=978, 16dp5dt=4606!!
I can't wait for the "im getting a divorce" post in 5 years or so because your husbands were fed up with your disgusting chair asses from playing on the knot all day and getting fired 4-5 times for not doing any work. you guys are all winners!! ~ Laur929