DH told me that he unfriended his cousin on FB.
She's 16, but acts about 11. She has a learning disability, is very emotionally stunted, her parents are divorced, her mom is pill head, her dad (DH's uncle) tries the best he can, but he and his wife are a hot mess as well. When I see this girl (usually at my IL's about once every couple months), I can't have a normal conversation. She sits there and just tells me how cool I am. When I ask her questions about this and that, she'll answer and then just tell me how cool and pretty and special she thinks I am. It's a little much. She's also OBSESSED with the Ind. Colts. It's ridiculous and over-the-top.
When she joined FB, she friended DH and I. Every.freaking.time she was on there at the same time as me, she was all up in my IM posting random ish and if I didn't respond right away, she was all "Areyouthere? Areyouthere? AREYOUTHERE?!" I just started ignoring her.
DH posted something about the Colts and Jets game and one of DH's friends commented, "Colts Suck!" She freaked out and posted this ridiculous, non-sensical rant about how 'awesome' the Colts are and how dare this guy say that. It was embarrassing. I told DH to delete it and that we maybe should unfriend her for ish like that. DH, being soft hearted and knowing that his cousin has issues, said that he would delete it and send her and e-mail telling her to chillthefuckout.
The straw that broke the camel's back was on Sunday, DH posted a status update about how Green Day always seems to win the Best Rock category at the Grammy's. He then logged off FB and we went to bed. DH doesn't check his FB on a daily basis.
I guess his cousin posted something in DH's status update about how the Grammy's is all about 'n' word music and was complaining about it. BIL saw the comment and posted under it telling DH to delete it as soon as he saw it. I guess she saw the comment from BIL and deleted her post. DH didn't find out about the comment until yesterday, when BIL said something to him. DH decided to unfriend his cousin.
He then called his uncle (her dad) and told him about it. He said that he was upset and offended and he was also concerned that it possibly could have offended any of his friends, especially his black friends, that may have seen the comment. DH's uncle understood and said he would talk to DH's cousin.
DH left his FB up and came out in the living to talk to me and watch some TV. His cousin's mom logged into FB under DH's other cousin's account and IM'd DH. She left this rambling message about how she wanted to talk about it. She made DH's cousin delete her FB account. I guess she was crying and upset about it. Cousin's mom said something about how she didn't agree and DH and I were thinking "Don't agree with what?!"
Oh and I unfriended her too. I'm a little relieved because I was getting so tired of her. I feel bad for the girl because some of her issues are not her fault, but she knows right from wrong and KNOWS that what she posted was offensive and racist.
Anyway...Ridiculousness, I tell you.