This morning I was about to head out to a meeting and a few of the participants in this meeting were waiting outside of my office So as I walked out I was about to get a soda and asked my assistant if she wanted me to get her one. She replied, ?No thanks and have a good meeting?, so I said ?thanks and bye!? As we were walking out to the meeting one of the participants said I can?t believe you have to get your own soda? I would make the retard get it for me!"
First, my assistant has cerebral palsy and is amazing inside and out. She only has physical limitations, but is in incredibly smart (high SAT score, GPA, college degree, etc.).
Plus I usually don't make my assistants get up and get me food and/or drinks unless they?re getting something for themselves and I do this visa versa. I feel I have two legs I can walk my a$$ up and get it myself.
I said all of this to this participant and had to hold myself back a bit from cursing him out let alone punching him in the face.
So I guess I?m asking should I say something to his supervisor? I am higher up than him and I know his boss, but just not sure if I would want to get others involved. The others around us had shocked looks on their faces like WTF did he just say? I definitely put him in his place, but just wondering if he should be warned about his demeanor or even written up.?
My biggest fear is if I go to his boss and speak to him about this ? it may some how get back to my assitant what was said L
Ugh!! What do you guys think??
ps ? appearantly according to HR it is frowned upon to touch others in an inappropriate manner let alone punching people
Re: Rant!!!??
To be honest, I would let your assistant decide if it was offensive enough for her. As long as it doesn't come back that *you* said it, I wouldn't involve myself.
Passive-aggressive conflict avoider.
I would say speak to his manager because what he said was probably not only offensive to you but to those around you that heard it. He needs to realize he is in a professional environment and comments like that should not be made. I know that even though avoiding it and letting him slide might be the easier/non conflict way to go about things but what if next time he says something even worse.
This is just my HR opinion. And yes coming from an HR it is inappropriate to punch or touch people at work