1. I went to the dollar store to check out pee sticks prices. I couldn't find any. I resisted the urge to buy another makeup brush.
2. Zilla - I'm going to send you some blank CDs so you can make me copies of your awesome mixed tapes.
3. L_Woods - Congrats on the new space! Tell Man to watch out for assless leather chaps on Sunday morning, during the peak walk of shame hours. It's an awesome site to see before brunch.
4. My cw has a terrible cough. She informed me that it was so bad, that her diaphram had become inverted ::dry heave::
5. Some days the dogs give me this face that says "Don't leave!" Today was one of those days. It was hard to leave the house.
Re: Things
re: #1 & 2 - i'll send you a dollar store pee stick test and a mix CD. i have a 50-pack of blank CDs. I also have more awesome songs to choose from. YWIA
give me your address.
<insert evil laugh>
I just a friendly gal looking for options.
L - I lived on Hamilton St in North Park. I would always see the line of drunk people around 2:00 at that Taco Bell on Hamilton & El Cajon. If you go past that TB and keep going for a few block, that would put you in my old stomping grounds. I had a great little yellow house on the same lot as 2 other cottages with a two story, two bedroom apartment building at the back of the block. No dishwasher or washer/dryer, but it had a hell of a lot of character. I wonder if they are still there?
Taw - I bet they keep them there to prevent them from being stolen.
ps - Min - they are a dollar.
Zilla - #1 - Here, dollar stores have items that are more than a dollar. The Dollar General is very misleading. #2 - YGFBM.