So I strolled down to the Capitol and then Union Station with my handy-dandy newly-rented lens (that I don't ever want to return). I noticed quite a few homeless folks outside Union Station.
As I was taking some pictures of the fountain out front, I hear, "DON'TCHYOUBETAKINMAHPICTURE!!!" being screeched nearby.
I wheeled around and saw a... man? Woman? THING wearing a shitton of makeup that looked like it had been applied with a grout trowel, and was wrapped in a bright orange tarp. It was one step away from looking like Pizza the Hut.
Honest to God, I have no idea if it was a man or woman.
I ignored it and went about my business. But Pizzapie kept heckling me, no matter where I went or what I did. When I finally walked away, it said, "ITOLDYOUNOTTOTAKEMAHPICTURE!"
I waited until they looked away and snapped a quick picture. The lens isn't a zoom, so short of signing my death wish and getting up in he/she's face, this was the best I was going to get. Aaaah, DC...
Re: I was heckled.
Ha! Good to know I wasn't being singled out.
Wait. So we're sure it's a woman?