Blowing my hair dry *without* flipping my head over. You know, how they used to tell us how to do if we wanted to add volume? Results: much better. Way fewer fly-aways. Thanks to my hair dresser for this tip. It has saved me many a minutes by cutting down on the frequency and duration of flat iron usage.
Washing my face twice when removing make-up. I use the same amount of soap (one pump worth), but I cut it into two half-pumps. The first round I concentrate on getting my make-up off, and the second round I concentrate on getting the skin really clean. I have found this makes a tremendous difference in the texture of my skin. Thanks, petrilude.
Putting on my foundation after most of my eye make-up has been applied. I thought this would really freak me out since it is going in the opposite order of what I have been doing for years. However, it was an easy adjustment to make, and I prefer the results. It'll make doing darker eyes way easier and better looking (less fallout to deal with/give me even darker under eye circles).
Re: New things I have tried
I've been trying to that too. It takes a little longer, but the pay off is great. Do you hold the blow dryer above your head and point it down? I had a stylist tell me one time that it's better for your hair to blow it dry that way...I forget the reasoning. Something about ends and shafts
...It keeps the ends of your hair closed and they don't split as bad or as quickly.
Crap...I Mean Crafts
Definitely re: foundation after eye make-up. Otherwise, I'd end up with streaks of blue and glitter on my cheeks from fall-out.
However, I leave my mascara for last, after any powdering of the face. It gives something else for the mascara to stick to, and if I get powder on my eyelashes after mascara, it tends to dull them. Your mileage may vary, though.
mrs. conn - yeah, basically. My hairdresser's explanation had something to do with the directions in which your roots grow, or something.
dukis - yes, the result is so much better.
Everyone else - is there anything else I should be trying?
To help with drying time, use Paul Mitchell's "Quick Slip".
I am not a vendor.
Crap...I Mean Crafts
Girl, you don't wanna know.
I will go look for that this weekend.
I try to wash my hair every other day, going three days max without washing. It is too thin to get away with going any longer. I do this to try to save on shampoo and conditioner, and to take it easier on my hair.
Since my last cut & color I have been exclusively using aveda shampoo and conditioner, washing/drying less, and when I do dry, I don't use the flat iroon as often. I have noticed a difference. I'm hopinh it isn't all attributable to the product, as I am almost out, and have replaced it with some hemp shampoo/conditioner I got at Ulta.
Crap...I Mean Crafts