beotch. I'm referring to my H's uncle's wife. She had been cheating on him and he is a great guy, so naturally, we all hate the snatch now.
They never had children. They have this neurotic, tiny little dog (I don't think it's a chihuahua) that doesn't like anything or anyone that they take with them everywhere.
H's dad asked H if we want another dog, because she is giving their's away, because after the divorce, "she won't have time."
Hoar isn't even having a baby to use as an excuse to get rid of this dog. This dog, that she wanted to get a tattoo of on her body. I wonder if uncle keeping him is an option. Uncle never liked the dog much, because his wife hadn't socialized it properly so the dog was weird. I don't want their weird dog. makes me so mad.
Re: Another reason to hate the crazy
But you know, he may grow to absolutely love the dog if he does take it.
It might be less neurotic without crazy psychobitch all up in its poor chihuahua face.