We don't live anywhere near a grocery store. Wait. Correction: We don't live anywhere near a grocery store that doesn't make us fear for our lives while we shop.
So H has been asking around for recommendations. Someone at work told him to check out this one grocery store... in MARYLAND.
He told me this and I said, "Wait. MARYLAND?"
He said yes, and to check out the directions on Google.
Sure enough, it's about 10 miles away from us.
H doesn't yet realize that driving 10 miles here is not like driving 10 miles back home. So even though I told him this, he insisted on checking it out.
It took us a HOUR AND A HALF to get there. Because! It was freaking RUSH HOUR. We were both pissed the hell off when we got there (although it was a more pleasant experience).
When we left, H looked at me and asked if I would drive home.
I told him hell to the no, that this was his mess, he was going to get us out of it.
Moral of the story: My husband can still be an idiot.
Re: Big Giant FAIL.
So do you guys have a home there yet, or is that TBD?
And if it's TBD, where's all your stuff?
We live in a hotel/apartment, Yoshi. We've been here since day one, and won't move out until the end of March.
And that's a good idea, 6. I hadn't thought of that. It would be worth the time and aggravation.