For those who were unable to attend last night, but who are still interested in being involved in the book club, here are the specific details for our next meeting:What: Chicago Nestie Book Club Meeting
At our first meeting, it was decided that the book club would meet once every two months. General, non-book club GTGs can be held in the off month between. Thursdays seem to work best overall, so we will continue with that weekday.
Books will be chosen by the following method: Book suggestions will be collected on TN. These suggestions will be kept in a master list. This list will be taken to the meeting and the members in attendance will decide the next selection from the list.
We will continue to post the information online for those who cannot make specific meetings, and for newcomers who want to join.
Also ? since this is new, we can modify these general guidelines as necessary.
As always, feel free to page or PM me if there are any questions/problems/concerns.
Re: Book Club: Next Mtg & Gen. Details
BFP on Jan. 18; EDD Oct. 1