Friday night we got 14" of snow. Saturday at 6 am we lost power. They estimated it back on at midnight and restaurants were open so we decided to stick it out. We packed the freezers in ice and coolers and put them in the shed. We put some ice and frozen soup in the refrigerator and shut them up tight.
We lit the fireplaces for heat and had a takeout picnic. DH and I played Life and all was fun.
Then Sunday morning they estimated we'd be without power until 2 pm today. So we packed up and headed to my parents. DH came back last night and we had power, but no phone. I came back today and still no phone- estimated Wednesday.
The house is an absolute wreck, but I'm glad to be back. Oh, and they're expecting another storm tomorrow.
Re: Phew doggy
6 - you were looking to buy a down comforter, yes? Macy's is having a sale.
Crap...I Mean Crafts