After much back and forth, Tom and I decided to go ahead and give it a try to see what Austin thought of it....even though his particular pedi recommended waiting until 6 months - although she told us she gave her boys solids at 5 months...anyways, we figured if he wasn't interested we'd just try again when he was older...
So after his morning nap, I gave it a parents happened to be here when I was starting, so my mom held him and I gave him a little and he looked confused....then started to cry. So I stopped and I held him and my mom gave him some...he took it and started swallowing and smacking his lips and then opened his mouth for more....he didn't take much, maybe just a couple of tastes, but he did really well and seemed interested in it....then my mom was holding him and he threw it all up...well, it was mainly breast milk, since I breastfed him before trying the solids...she moved him just in the nick of time and it all landed on the floor - whew!
Re: Austin tried some rice cereal this morning