As I posted yesterday, I sent in my receipts for my FSA for several items. One of the items were condoms that I had picked up on a recent shopping trip. I'd also bought Fish Oil and Vitamin D. I underlined the entry on my receipt so there was no confusion.
I received a note stating that I needed a Dr's note to claim the condoms, which confused the hell out of me. Turns out, who ever processed my request didn't see the underlined entry and thought I was trying to claim Fish Oil (which since it's a supplement, you do need a Dr's note to prove medical necessity or whatnot).
When I told her what I wanted to claim, she laughed. And then told me she'd get it corrected.
Whew! I was going to be a little upset if they wanted me to get a Dr's note for my choice of contraception.
Re: Fish Oil =/= condoms
I just a friendly gal looking for options.